Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Gwyneth Morrison wrote:
> Ray,
> I think we tried that and I think it works but not for us. It may work
> for you.
> MS wants to copy all the tables over with exactly the same names
> including [dbo]. and so on.
> When it doesn't find an exact match, it wants to create the table. This
> may be ok for you but
> I am not sure what it does about mapping datatypes. This is controlled
> in my program by precreating the
> tables with the desired mappings. (we have mostly found what works but
> it can be changed easily)
> We have over 400 tables and as they are related, they need to be loaded
> in a particular order.
> I control this with a file of table names (dropped out of the conversion
> program)
> The data copy is only a few scripts largely based on FreeTDS. (do a
> google, I won't post a link here)
> So give the Enterprise Manager a try. It may work for you. I think we
> only had to install a Postgres odbc driver.
> My program(s) should be available soon (few days I figure) when I get a
> place to post it.
> Gwyneth

Sounds reasonable what you say. We will give Enterprise Manager a try
tomorrow, and if it does not work for us, I will hope your tool will be
published soon.

Funny, that there isn't such a tool yet.


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