Saturday, June 7, 2008

Re: [GENERAL] temporarily deactivate an index

On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 5:16 PM, Viktor Rosenfeld
<> wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> Am 07.06.2008 um 16:53 schrieb Scott Marlowe:
>>> I'm experimenting with different indexes to speed up my queries and I was
>>> wondering if it is possible to temporarily deactivate an index, so it
>>> won't
>>> be considered in the evaluation of query plans. The reason is that
>>> dropping
>>> and then rebuilding an index takes up time which I would rather not wait.
>>> I couldn't find a command to do that, but I'm guessing that it should be
>>> possible by manipulating a structure in the catalog?
>> Try this:
>> begin;
>> drop indexname;
>> explain analyze select ...;
>> rollback;
> That works, but I'm still looking for another way to deactivate the index.
> The reason being, that my query load is randomly generated by a Java
> program and I don't want to go and change the SQL compiler.

Sorry, I'm out of ideas. I mean, you can turn off all indexes with
set enable_indexscan=off but there's no other way to do it cheaply and
in such a fine grained way.

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Re: [PERFORM] Optimizing AGE()

On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 7:20 AM, Volkan YAZICI <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Am I wrong or AGE() always gets directed to a sequential scan?
> # BEGIN;
> ] SET enable_seqscan TO off;
> ] SELECT count(1)
> ] FROM incomingmessageslog
> ] WHERE AGE(time) < '1 year';
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Aggregate (cost=100000528.33..100000528.34 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=13.789..13.790 rows=1 loops=1)
> -> Seq Scan on incomingmessageslog (cost=100000000.00..100000520.00 rows=3333 width=0) (actual time=13.783..13.783 rows=0 loops=1)
> Filter: (age((('now'::text)::date)::timestamp without time zone, "time") < '1 year'::interval)
> Total runtime: 13.852 ms
> (4 rows)
> As far as I know, AGE() can take advantage of a very simple equation for
> constant comparisons:
> = AGE(field) < constant_criteria
> = AGE(field, constant_ts) < constant_criteria
> = AGE(field) < constant_criteria + constant_ts
> How much does such a hack into optimizer cost? I don't know about its
> implications but I'll really appreciate such a functionality. At the
> moment, I'm trying replace every AGE() usage in my code and it really
> feels a PITA.

Yeah, age() isn't real performent in such situations. I generally
stick to simpler date math like:

where timestampvalue < now() - interval '2 year'

which can use an index on timestampvalue

The problem with age is it's always compared to now, so there's always
gonna be some math.

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[pgsql-es-ayuda] Comportamiento work_mem (windows)

Cordial Saludo.
Tengo una instalación de postgresql 8.3.1 sobre windows que se va a utilizar básicamente para Análisis de datos (OLAP) por lo tanto quiero optimizarla para este fin.
El procedimiento que he seguido es el siguiente:
1. Activé el "log_temp_files = 0" para monitorear el uso de archivos temporales. (excelente adición en la 8.3)
2. Mi supuesto es que una DB que este sirviendo para OLAP/DATAWAREHOUSE debe tener un valor de work_mem grande, pocos usuarios y un valor shared_buffers intermedio.
3. Arranque con work_mem = 1MB (valor por defecto), shared_buffers = 128MB y max_conections = 5. Tengo 2GB de memoria.
4. Realizo una consulta que en múltiples ejecuciones demora 27s. (es una consulta con múltiples joins y un order by, típica en OLAP)
5. Reviso el log e identifico que se utilizan VARIOS archivos temporales de cerca de 1.5MB (utilizados para joins) y al final un archivo de 35MB (para el order by).
6. Subo el work_mem = 5MB
7. Ejecuto de nuevo la consulta, y efectivamente se ha eliminado el uso de los archivos temporales de aprox. 1.5MB, pero sigue usándose el de 35MB. Vamos bien !!!
8. Subo el work_mem = 50MB
9. Ejecuto la consulta MULTIPLES VECES y SIGUE utilizándose el archivo temporal de 35MB pero creció el tiempo en 2s !!!
10. Sé que los 35MB se utilizan para el order by por que si lo quito ya no se usa ese archivo temporal.
11. Vuelvo a work_mem = 5MB y vuelvo a optener los valores de 2s por debajo.
Cual podría ser la razón de este comportamiento?
Estoy SEGURO que durante la consulta NO se esta utilizando memoria en disco por parte del SO, que sería una posible explicación de la lentitud.
Agradezco su colaboración.
Bogotá, Colombia

[pgsql-es-ayuda] Procedure para actualizar secuencias

Cordial Saludo.
Estoy pensando en hacer un procedure que actualice TODAS las secuencias a los max(id_table) de las tablas correspondientes (para evitarme hacer setvals de cada secuencia), lógicamente este procedimiento sólo lo utilizaría en el momento de inicializar la DB para una nueva instalación ya que algunas tablas tienen algunos datos "quemados" y estando fuera de producción. Cómo creo que es una necesidad que pudieron tener algunos compañeros en el pasado, de pronto ya alguien hizo este procedure y quisiera compartirlo.
Agradezco su colaboración.
Bogotá, Colombiaq 

Re: [HACKERS] TODO, FAQs to Wiki?

Actually, now that I try it, it seems that the MediaWiki markup is not
completely helpful here -- right now, on some items we have a one-line
"header" and then possibly a longer description, and it seems the only
way to do that in MediaWiki is like this:

* Set proper permissions on non-system schemas during db creation<br> Currently all schemas are owned by the super-user because they are copied from the template1 database. However, since all objects are inherited from the template database, it is not clear that setting schemas to the db owner is correct.

Note the dumb <br> thing in the middle.

Personally I find that ugly enough as to be unacceptable; what do others

Alvaro Herrera
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

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Tom Lane wrote:

> 2. I had first dismissed Neil's idea of transactional sequence updates
> as impossible, but on second look it could be done. Suppose RESTART
> IDENTITY does this for each sequence;
> * obtain AccessExclusiveLock;
> * assign a new relfilenode;
> * insert a sequence row with all parameters copied except
> last_value copies start_value;
> * hold AccessExclusiveLock till commit.

Hmm, this kills the idea of moving sequence data to a single
non-transactional catalog :-(

> So what I think we should do is leave the patch there, revise the
> warning per Neil's complaint, and add a TODO item to reimplement RESTART
> IDENTITY transactionally.

I think the TODO item did not make it, but the docs do seem updated.

Alvaro Herrera
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

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Re: [pgsql-es-ayuda] Instalacion 8.3 y 8.2 en Windows XP

2008/6/7 Terry Yapt <>:
> Hola a todos,
> he instalado 8.3 en win32 para un proyecto que tengo que realizar. Para
> ello, utilizo PostgresDAC (de MicroOlap), pero creo que, todavia, existe
> algún problema con la versión 8.3.1. Así que les he reportado el problema y
> voy a intentar, mientras lo solucionan, seguir preparando todo con la
> versión 8.2.7.
> El caso es que, en el mismo sistema donde estaba instalada la versión 8.3.1,
> intento instalar la versión 8.2.7 y nada. Cuando el servicio (win32) se va
> a iniciar, arroja un error de que el usuario no tiene permisos para iniciar
> servicios. Esto es falso, pues el usuario tiene esos permisos (los pone el
> instalador, PgInstaller, pero los he comprobado yo manualmente).
> Si intentas arrancar el servicio manualmente, entonces arroja un error 1068
> (de microsoft). El caso es que no puedo instalar postgreSQL en esta
> máquina.

podrias mostrar el error que registra el eventlog? si se esta grabando
algo en el log de postgres podriamos verlo tambien?

Jaime Casanova
Soporte y capacitación de PostgreSQL
Guayaquil - Ecuador
Cel. (593) 87171157
TIP 4: No hagas 'kill -9' a postmaster

Re: [HACKERS] math error or rounding problem Money type

Justin wrote:
> yes. The question is why are the to sides not equal anymore
> Take this
> Select
> '2',
> round(sum( beginBalance ),6) as beginbalance,
> round(sum( negative ),6) as debit,
> round(sum( positive ),6) as credit,
> round(sum( difference ),6) as difference,
> round(sum( endbalance),6) as endbalance
> from trailbalance
> union
> Select
> '1',
> sum( round(beginBalance,6)) as beginbalance,
> sum( round(negative,6)) as debit,
> sum( round(positive,6)) as credit,
> sum( round(difference,6)) as difference,
> sum( round(endbalance,6)) as endbalance
> from trailbalance
> "1" -0.000006 -11250546.743752 11250546.743752 0.000000
> -0.000007
> "2" 0.000000 -11250546.743752 11250546.743752 0.000000
> 0.000000
> At the very least this show a clear warning when rounding do it after
> all the sum function is called not before.

IFAIK (dimly recalling numerical analysis courses at university) SUM and
ROUND can *never* be commuted. In general the recommended approach is to
round as late as possible and as few times are possible - so your 1st
query is the correct or best way to go.



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RE: [pgsql-es-ayuda] llamar a funcion

UIhmmm, tendriamos que entrar en la discusion de que si una estructura compuesta es UNO o VARIOS.
Eso me recuerda una vieja discusion de struct en C y records en Pascal.
Donde el struct lo podia enviar en un return y todo bien , en C mientras en Pasacal no podia enviar el record.
Cual seria el valor correcto?

*-Edwin Quijada
*-Developer DataBase
*-JQ Microsistemas

* " Si deseas lograr cosas excepcionales debes de hacer cosas fuera de lo comun"

> Date: Sat, 7 Jun 2008 12:34:38 -0500
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [pgsql-es-ayuda] llamar a funcion
> CC:;;
> 2008/6/7 Edwin Quijada :
>> Las funciones no retornan mas de un valor.
> imagino que esto es relativo...
> Pero en la practica las funciones SI retornan mas de un valor, a
> traves de records
> --
> Atentamente,
> Jaime Casanova
> Soporte y capacitación de PostgreSQL
> Guayaquil - Ecuador
> Cel. (593) 87171157

Do more with your photos with Windows Live Photo Gallery.
TIP 10: no uses HTML en tu pregunta, seguro que quien responda no podrá leerlo

Re: [GENERAL] temporarily deactivate an index

Hi Scott,

Am 07.06.2008 um 16:53 schrieb Scott Marlowe:
>> I'm experimenting with different indexes to speed up my queries and
>> I was
>> wondering if it is possible to temporarily deactivate an index, so
>> it won't
>> be considered in the evaluation of query plans. The reason is that
>> dropping
>> and then rebuilding an index takes up time which I would rather not
>> wait.
>> I couldn't find a command to do that, but I'm guessing that it
>> should be
>> possible by manipulating a structure in the catalog?
> Try this:
> begin;
> drop indexname;
> explain analyze select ...;
> rollback;

That works, but I'm still looking for another way to deactivate the
index. The reason being, that my query load is randomly generated by
a Java program and I don't want to go and change the SQL compiler.


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[GENERAL] fitler database list

Is it a way to filter the database list on the tables containt in the
database ?


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> -----Original Message-----
> Hi all,
> I have been using IN clause almost exclusively until recently I tried
> to use EXISTS and gained significant performance increase without
> changing/creating any indexes:
> vs
> Performance is at least few times better when EXISTS is used. Is it
> just PostgreSQL specific?

IN should produce a different query plan than EXISTS. (You can run
"explain analyze" on your queries, to see the different plans).
Which one is faster depends on your data, and on your server. Also,
what's faster on one dbms my be different than another. I've found
that postgresql is usually slower than other databases for IN ()
queries, but handles EXISTS and inner joins (a third way of writing
your queries above) quite quickly.


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Re: [GENERAL] hopefully a brain teaser, can't quite figure out query

> -----Original Message-----
> The small table is a listing of county fips codes, their name, and the
> geometry for the county. Each fips is only listed once. The big table
> is multiple emissions for each county, the parameter for the emission,
> and the source code for the emission (scc). Each county in big tbale
> has many entries, variable number of pollutant types, variable number
> of scc's.
> SELECT small.fips,, sum(big.value)
> FROM small, big
> small.fips in (
> SELECT fips from big
> WHERE ((pollutant='co') AND
> (
> (scc LIKE '21%') OR (scc LIKE '2301%') OR (scc LIKE '2801000000%')
> )
> HAVING SUM(value > 2000)
> )
> GROUP BY small.fips,;
> This is the query that isn't returning yet.
> If anyone has any questions, comments, or any suggestions at all, I'll
> do my best to respond ASAP.

This sounds like what you want:

SELECT small.fips,, sum(big.value) as big_sum
FROM small
INNER JOIN big on small.fips = big.fips
WHERE pollutant = 'co'
AND (scc LIKE '21%' OR scc LIKE '2301%' OR scc LIKE '2801000000%')
GROUP BY small.fips,

However, I'm not sure I understand this part:

> I would return the 123 fips ONLY if the value provided was less
> than the sum of the values for all scc's (500+550+1500+50 = 2600),
> as well as the sum for those values.

Can you clarify?

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Re: [pgsql-www] Ask for Help on Improving the FreeBSD FAQ

Gabor PALI wrote:
> - whether you do have any project-specific modifications for DocBook
> - what other tools you do use for creating documentation

Most of our documentation building technology was actually inspired and/or
copied from the FreeBSD project. So I think chances are low you will find
anything here that you don't already have. The integration with the web site
and so on are different, but other people have already commented on that.

I suggest you take a look at the code (Makefile and so on) in doc/src/sgml.

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Re: [GENERAL] Extracting data from deprecated MONEY fields


Tino Wildenhain wrote:
> Hi,
> Shane Ambler wrote:
> ...
>> I think the steps Joshua is referring to are -
>> 1. pg_dump -t mytable_with_money mydb > mytable_backup.sql
>> 2. edit table definition in backup file to use numeric
>> 3. remove $ and , from money column data
>> 4. DROP TABLE mytable_with_money
>> 5. psql < mytable_backup.sql
>> While the data is in a text file regex tasks to remove the money
>> formatting become a lot simpler.
> to_char() and back to numeric shouldn't be a problem within the database
> and we have regex too if anything fails. I don't think you need to
> dump and edit the dump to achive that.

Ah sorry forget that... neither to_char nor cast to text works. Really a
horrible datatype :(


Re: [GENERAL] FW: make rows unique across db's without UUIP on windows?

Bill, thanks, that made me think a while.

But doesn't that just push the problem up the chain a notch?

Adding a table id makes the row unique in the database but not beyond.

Then you add a database id to the table/row id and you are unique across

But can you be universally unique without being universal?

I thought I needed to have an id that would mark any column that comes from
that row with its unique origin row.

With a GUID I'm pretty much home.

But no series of semi-unique keys will ever become as unique as a GUID, will
it? That is, until you add a service id to the database id and a server id
to the service id and a rack id to the server id and a floor id to the rack
id and a bldg id to the floor id and so forth up the chain until you get 64
values in your multi-valued index. And then also make sure none of the
combinations of 64 values repeats anywhere in your global enterprise.

At that point everyone using a system that doesn't have a GUID type changes
the subject and asks, 'you sure you need that?'

But I don't have to need it so much if I've got it. All I have to need it is
a little and I can use it. Then if I need it more later, I've already got

It's only when I don't have it that people say, 'you sure you need it?'

Know what I mean?



-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Moran []
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 5:57 AM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] FW: make rows unique across db's without UUIP on

In response to "Kimball Johnson" <>:
> What is the normal solution in pgsql-land for making a serious number of
> rows unique across multiple databases?
> I mean particularly databases of different types (every type) used at
> various places (everywhere) on all platforms (even MS[TM])? You know. a

Just give each separate system it's own unique identifier and a sequence
to append to it.

Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.
Phone: 412-422-3463x4023

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Re: [GENERAL] Extracting data from deprecated MONEY fields


Shane Ambler wrote:
> I think the steps Joshua is referring to are -
> 1. pg_dump -t mytable_with_money mydb > mytable_backup.sql
> 2. edit table definition in backup file to use numeric
> 3. remove $ and , from money column data
> 4. DROP TABLE mytable_with_money
> 5. psql < mytable_backup.sql
> While the data is in a text file regex tasks to remove the money
> formatting become a lot simpler.

to_char() and back to numeric shouldn't be a problem within the database
and we have regex too if anything fails. I don't think you need to
dump and edit the dump to achive that.


[BUGS] BUG #4229: Page header error

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference: 4229
Logged by: Valeriy
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 7.4.5
Operating system: Linux 2.6.17
Description: Page header error

We have PostgreSQL v. 7.4.5 and main application
working with PGSQL via libpq. Linux 2.6.17.

Page header error periodically occurs when
main application is working hard.
We repair it automatically using restore
from night dump, no problems.

There are some servers (among more than 20)
that are loaded much less, so this error doesn't occur at all.

Can we assume that this error is connected with
high load of hardware only?

I suppose that the upgrade up to version 8.x
will not exclude this error.

Thank You

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[BUGS] Page header error in 8.x ?

We have PostgreSQL v. 7.4.5 and main application working with PGSQL via libpq.
Page header error periodically occurs when main application is working hard.
We repair it automatically using restore from night dump, no problems.
There are some servers (among more than 20)
that are loaded much less, so this error doesn't occur at all.
Can we assume that this error is connected with high load of hardware only?
I suppose that  the upgrade up to version 8.x will not exclude this error.
Thank You

Re: [GENERAL] strpos NOT doing what I'd expect

On Jun 7, 2008, at 2:58 AM, Ralph Smith wrote:

> ===============================
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION find_next_delim(invar varchar, delimlist
> varchar) RETURNS integer AS
> $$
> /* OVERLOADED Function. The other version takes a 3rd parameter
> as the
> starting position in invar.
> */
> achar character := '' ;

It's because you're using character here instead of text. Character
collapses whitespace (it's usually used as char(<some length>). To

development=> select ''''||CAST (' '::character AS text)||'''';

So your comparison becomes:
development=> SELECT strpos('3', '');

Now that's got to be a corner case of the use of strpos, I'm not
entirely sure that'd be the right behaviour, but if it isn't, what
would be? Does a non-empty string contain empty strings? And if so,
is it at position 1? The character at position 1 is actually '3'
after all... Maybe it should return NULL (unknown) or raise an error?

When using text instead of character, your function works as expected.

> j int := 0 ;
> IF length(delimlist) = 0 THEN
> RAISE NOTICE 'In function \'find_next_delim\' the delimiter
> cannot be null.' ;

An empty string is not null. If someone would actually enter NULL for
delimlist your function would break:

development=> select find_next_delim(NULL,'3') ;
ERROR: upper bound of FOR loop cannot be NULL
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function "find_next_delim" line 18 at FOR with
integer loop variable

> END IF ;
> FOR i IN 1 .. length(invar)
> j := j + 1 ;
> achar := substring(invar from i for 1 ) ;
> RAISE NOTICE 'achar is R%S',achar ;
> IF strpos(delimlist,achar) <> 0 THEN
> RETURN j ;
> END IF ;
> RETURN 0 ;
> END ;
> $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql ; /* find_next_delim */
> ===============================
> airburst=# select find_next_delim('ralph smith','3') ;
> NOTICE: achar is RrS
> NOTICE: achar is RaS
> NOTICE: achar is RlS
> NOTICE: achar is RpS
> NOTICE: achar is RhS
> NOTICE: achar is R S
> find_next_delim
> -----------------
> 6
> (1 row)
> airburst=# select find_next_delim('ralph smith','') ; -- for the
> heck of it, that's a null
> NOTICE: In function 'find_next_delim' the delimiter cannot be null.
> NOTICE: achar is RrS
> NOTICE: achar is RaS
> NOTICE: achar is RlS
> NOTICE: achar is RpS
> NOTICE: achar is RhS
> NOTICE: achar is R S
> find_next_delim
> -----------------
> 6
> (1 row)
> WHY find a match on the space???
> Thanks!

Alban Hertroys

If you can't see the forest for the trees,
cut the trees and you'll see there is no forest.


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Re: [pgadmin-support] pgAdmin 1.8.x hangs while tries to load XRC resources

On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 10:32 AM, Antonello Biancalana
<> wrote:
> Dave Page wrote:
>> On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 9:35 AM, Antonello Biancalana
>> <> wrote:
>> Not offhand. Does the wxWidgets XRC sample work?
> Thank you for your reply and your help. Your suggestion was of terrific help
> to me. I compiled and run the wxWidgets XRC sample and it worked but it
> complained about some missing files (whereas pgadmin did not).
> The XRC sample complained about the following missing files in my system:
> usr/share/mimelnk/application/vnd.adobe.pdx.desktop
> usr/share/mimelnk/application/vnd.adobe.xdp+xml.desktop
> usr/share/mimelnk/application/vnd.adobe.xfdf.desktop
> usr/share/mimelnk/application/vnd.fdf.desktop
> which actually resulted to be missing links belonging to an old installation
> of Adobe Acrobat Reader 7. I deleted these missing links and now pgAdmin
> works.
> I hope this can help other pgAdmin users. Maybe it would be nice if pgAdmin
> would warn the user in case of these missing files like wxWidgtes XRC sample
> does.

Oh wow - I have no idea why those should break wxWidgets, but I wonder
if building wxWidgets with --enable-mimetype=no would have made any

Anyway, glad it's working now.

> Thank you very much indeed Dave for your support and help!

You're welcome.

Dave Page
EnterpriseDB UK:

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Re: [pgadmin-support] pgAdmin 1.8.x hangs while tries to load XRC resources

Dave Page wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 9:35 AM, Antonello Biancalana
> <> wrote:
> Not offhand. Does the wxWidgets XRC sample work?

Thank you for your reply and your help. Your suggestion was of terrific
help to me. I compiled and run the wxWidgets XRC sample and it worked
but it complained about some missing files (whereas pgadmin did not).
The XRC sample complained about the following missing files in my system:


which actually resulted to be missing links belonging to an old
installation of Adobe Acrobat Reader 7. I deleted these missing links
and now pgAdmin works.
I hope this can help other pgAdmin users. Maybe it would be nice if
pgAdmin would warn the user in case of these missing files like
wxWidgtes XRC sample does.

Thank you very much indeed Dave for your support and help!


Antonello Biancalana
ProMIND software development - Perugia (ITALY)
skype: antonello.biancalana

PGP key ID: D40B3BC3
PGP key fp: AC62 7264 4233 5ADD 5ADA D4D3 9B35 6051 D40B 3BC3

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Re: [pgadmin-support] pgAdmin 1.8.x hangs while tries to load XRC resources

On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 9:35 AM, Antonello Biancalana
<> wrote:
> I have a problem in getting pgAdmin3 working since the 1.8.x series.
> I usually build pgAdmin from source (however also the binary releases give
> me the same problem) and whenever I try to run pgAdmin it shows the splash
> screen and then it always hangs. After having traced the exact point of
> hanging, I noticed it always hangs at file pgadmin/ui/xrcDialogs.cpp line
> 13760 (1.8.4 version) at the point of the first wxXmlResource::Get()->Load
> call.
> I also tried to disable EMBED_XRC define and to copy all the XRC files to
> [uiPath] with no success. I am currently using wxGTK 2.8.7 and all the other
> requirements (in particular libxml2, ver. 2.6.32) seem to be right. By the
> way: I am using Linux (Fedora 9). No problem if I use pgAdmin 1.6.3: it
> complies and runs smoothly and with no problem. I am having this problem
> since the release of pgAdmin 1.8.0
> Do you have any idea of what the problem can be?

Not offhand. Does the wxWidgets XRC sample work?

Dave Page
EnterpriseDB UK:

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[pgadmin-support] pgAdmin 1.8.x hangs while tries to load XRC resources

I have a problem in getting pgAdmin3 working since the 1.8.x series.
I usually build pgAdmin from source (however also the binary releases
give me the same problem) and whenever I try to run pgAdmin it shows the
splash screen and then it always hangs. After having traced the exact
point of hanging, I noticed it always hangs at file
pgadmin/ui/xrcDialogs.cpp line 13760 (1.8.4 version) at the point of the
first wxXmlResource::Get()->Load call.
I also tried to disable EMBED_XRC define and to copy all the XRC files
to [uiPath] with no success. I am currently using wxGTK 2.8.7 and all
the other requirements (in particular libxml2, ver. 2.6.32) seem to be
right. By the way: I am using Linux (Fedora 9). No problem if I use
pgAdmin 1.6.3: it complies and runs smoothly and with no problem. I am
having this problem since the release of pgAdmin 1.8.0
Do you have any idea of what the problem can be?

Thank you for your support and help.

Best regards.


Bug report information:

pgAdmin ver 1.8.4
configure with no options
OS: Fedora 9, Linux
wxWidgets: wxGTK 2.8.7, configure --with-gtk --enable-gtk2 --enable-unicode
postgreSQL ver 8.3.1, configure with no options


Antonello Biancalana
ProMIND software development - Perugia (ITALY)
skype: antonello.biancalana

PGP key ID: D40B3BC3
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Re: [pgadmin-support] Weird Popup Menus - pgAdmin 1.8.4

On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 8:55 AM, Guillaume Lelarge
<> wrote:
> Actually, I do have the same issue (on the same distro). But I thought *I*
> was doing something wrong :)
> So, I need to take a serious look at this.

It's also been noted by our quality management team. I believe it's a
wxWidgets bug but I suspect we may not see a 2.8.8 version so may have
to work round this ourselves*. When we add options to the content
menu, perhaps we should just strip out the &'s (they prefix char that
should be underlined) on GTK - the bug isn't there on Windows/Mac.

* The next major version of wxWidgets is apparently going to be 3.0.0
which will be very different from what I hear, so we may not upgrade

Dave Page
EnterpriseDB UK:

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Re: [pgadmin-support] Weird Popup Menus - pgAdmin 1.8.4

Christos Vasilakis a écrit :
> [...]
> Although the application runs fine without any problems, the menus in
> the popups are garbaged with the _ character. I believe its used to
> characterize the shortcut character in the keyboard. For example if i
> right click in a table i get this
> Re_fresh
> _Count
> ...
> _Reports
> _Maintenance
> etc.
> In the top level menus File Edit View.. it is displayed correctly.

Actually, I do have the same issue (on the same distro). But I thought
*I* was doing something wrong :)

So, I need to take a serious look at this.


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[pgadmin-support] Connecting from xp to linux server

Hi all,

this is the problem I am facing.

I have PG 8.3 running on a KUBUNTU installation running on a virtual
machine. From inside the virtual machine I can use PGADMIN to manage PG
but when I try to connect from the xp machine I have this error: "Error
connecting to the server:FATAL: missing or erroneous pg_hba.conf file" .

I set the permission in the pg_hba.conf on the server.

The machine talk each oher, I can ping and use telnet on the 5432 port.

The log on the server does not report any problem.




Dr. Simone Gadenz

via P. Togliatti 69, 50051

Castelfiorentino (FI)

+39 339 6053660

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