Thursday, August 28, 2008

Re: [pgsql-es-ayuda] Problemas al concatenar

alter table test1 alter column a type character varying(4);
El día 28 de agosto de 2008 10:43, Alejandro D. Burne
<> escribió:
> Necesito concatenar 2 cadenas para ello tengo una tabla con un campo
> caracter(4).
> El problem que se me presenta es que me elimina los espacios en blanco
> del campo de la tabla, ahora si utilizo una cadena no tengo problemas.
> Alguna pista?
> PostgreSQL 8.2.6 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 3.4.4
> DB=# CREATE temporary TABLE test1 (a character(4));
> DB=# INSERT INTO test1 VALUES ('ok ');
> INSERT 0 1
> DB=# SELECT a||'A', 'ok '||'A' FROM test1;
> ?column? | ?column?
> ----------+----------
> okA | ok A
> (1 row)

Si usaras un character varying(4) tambien se comporta de igual forma
??? hice la prueba con la version 8.3 y al usar character varying(4)
respeta el espacio de la cadena 'ok '...

TIP 5: ¿Has leído nuestro extenso FAQ?

Re: [pgsql-es-ayuda] sobre libro de cvs y postgresql

Moises Galan dijo [Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 05:09:37PM -0500]:
> Hola, alguien sabe donde puedo conseguir el libro "Desarrollo de
> Código Abierto con CVS", version completa y descargable en español ,
> descargue el codigo fuente de postgresql pero quiero ubicarlo en otro
> directorio. y trabajar sobre un modulo solamente. por lo que necesito
> conocer los comandos de CVS. He visitado varias paginas pero aparecen
> sin la opcion para descargar en PDF. en algunas paginas los links no
> funcionan.
> Hice la instalacion del CVS de postgresql guiandome por la
> documentacion, pero necesito mas informacion sobre comandos.

Umh... Te recomiendo fuertemente _no_ aprender específicamente sobre
CVS. Me sorprende ver que el desarrollo de PostgreSQL sigue estando
sobre CVS, que si bien cumple su tarea, conlleva una serie de
restricciones sencillamente por el modelo sobre el cual está
construído - CVS te permite dar seguimiento de manera independiente a
muchos archivos dentro de un depósito, pero sin coherencia real entre
unos y otros; es imposible renombrar archivos; si borras un archivo,
tienes que borrar su historia también; es un modelo completamente

Hoy en día, muy por lo menos, te recomiendo asomarte a SVN - o mucho
mejor aún, a los sistemas de control de versiones distribuídos, como
Git, Bazaar o Mercurial.


Gunnar Wolf - - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
PGP key 1024D/8BB527AF 2001-10-23
Fingerprint: 0C79 D2D1 2C4E 9CE4 5973 F800 D80E F35A 8BB5 27AF
TIP 10: no uses HTML en tu pregunta, seguro que quien responda no podrá leerlo

[GENERAL] Need help with simple update / insert trigger

I have table sort of like this:

create table snoz (
a bool default false,
b bool default false,
c bool default false

I want to set up a trigger so that any time a row is inserted or
updated, the value of c is set to true if a and/or b is true.

How can I do this?



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[DOCS] Doc patch for truncate.sgml

Index: doc/src/sgml/ref/truncate.sgml
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/doc/src/sgml/ref/truncate.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.27
diff -c -r1.27 truncate.sgml
*** doc/src/sgml/ref/truncate.sgml 17 May 2008 23:36:27 -0000 1.27
--- doc/src/sgml/ref/truncate.sgml 28 Aug 2008 14:58:16 -0000
*** 34,40 ****
<command>DELETE</command> on each table, but since it does not actually
scan the tables it is faster. Furthermore, it reclaims disk space
immediately, rather than requiring a subsequent <command>VACUUM</command>
! operation. This is most useful on large tables.

--- 34,44 ----
<command>DELETE</command> on each table, but since it does not actually
scan the tables it is faster. Furthermore, it reclaims disk space
immediately, rather than requiring a subsequent <command>VACUUM</command>
! operation. This is most useful on large tables. Also,
! <command>TRUNCATE</command> rewrites system catalogue entries for
! that table, which makes running <command>ANALYZE</command> on a
! freshly-truncated table is a bad idea, because the statistics will be
! updated to indicate that the table is truly empty.

Attached is a doc patch for truncate.sgml. It improves info for
TRUNCATE. Thanks to Andrew Sullivan for pointing out this.

This is against head, but could be backpatched, too, I believe.


Re: [HACKERS] September Commit Fest coming soon!

Gregory Stark <> writes:
> Tom Lane <> writes:
>> Yes. You should *not* assume that reviewers are going to look at the
>> git repository.

> However when a committer is actually looking to commit the code he'll want to
> be sure he has the most recent snapshot including any later changes that might
> not have warranted an email.

I'm going to state for the record that I have no intention of digging
around in unofficial repositories for unsubmitted changes (that might
or might not have been intended to go in anyway). If you don't like
what I commit, send a delta patch.

regards, tom lane

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[GENERAL] pg_dumpall problem when roles have default schemas

I've run into a problem while migrating an existing 8.2.7 data base to a new server running 8.3.3 (although I think the version numbers may not matter -- I think I've seen this problem in the past and just lived with it since so much of Postgresql is so great!).

The problem stems from the fact that for certain roles, I have defined default search paths, and because the output of pg_dumpall includes role definitions first, then data base definitions, then schema definitions.

Thus, when piping the output (from legacy host to populate the newly initialized cluster, by way of running (on the new host

    pg_dumpall -h|psql

an error occurs in that first section when the script attempts to set a role-specific search path ... because the schema named in the search path hasn't been created yet.

Not sure if there is some different way I should be using these tools to accomplish this, or if there is a work-around, or if this feature needs improvement.

Re: [GENERAL] upgrading from 8.1.4 to 8.3.3

On Thu, 2008-08-28 at 10:53 +0100, Joao Ferreira gmail wrote:
> shell> su postgres -c "/usr/bin/postmaster -D /var/pgsql/data"
> FATAL: database files are incompatible with server
> DETAIL: The data directory was initialized by PostgreSQL version 8.1,
> which is not compatible with this version 8.3.3.


Re: [HACKERS] code coverage patch

Peter Eisentraut <> writes:
> Tom Lane wrote:
>> We're pretty much assuming bison anyway, no? It's been years since
>> I heard of anyone successfully building the backend grammar with plain
>> yacc.

> In my recollection, you were the last holdout on that with the
> occasional HP-UX yacc test. But I seem to recall that that combination
> actually no longer worked the last time.

I don't think I've tried that in this century ;-). Between the sheer
size of the grammar and the fact that we're already depending on the
behavior of several arcane %-options, I really doubt any tool besides
bison will work. Besides, the whole point of shipping the built files
in tarballs is to ensure no one has to use any other tool.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [PERFORM] select on 22 GB table causes "An I/O error occured while sending to the backend." exception

On Aug 28, 2008, at 6:26 AM, Matthew Wakeling wrote:

> On Wed, 27 Aug 2008, wrote:
>> if memory overcommit is disabled, the kernel checks to see if you
>> have an extra 1G of ram available, if you do it allows the process
>> to continue, if you don't it tries to free memory (by throwing away
>> cache, swapping to disk, etc), and if it can't free the memory will
>> return a memroy allocation error (which I believe will cause
>> firefox to exit).
> Remember that the memory overcommit check is checking against the
> amount of RAM + swap you have - not just the amount of RAM. When a
> fork occurs, hardly any extra actual RAM is used (due to copy on
> write), but the potential is there for the process to use it. If
> overcommit is switched off, then you just need to make sure there is
> *plenty* of swap to convince the kernel that it can actually fulfil
> all of the memory requests if all the processes behave badly and all
> shared pages become unshared. Then the consequences of processes
> actually using that memory are that the machine will swap, rather
> than the OOM killer having to act.
> Of course, it's generally bad to run a machine with more going on
> than will fit in RAM.
> Neither swapping nor OOM killing are particularly good - it's just a
> consequence of the amount of memory needed being unpredictable.
> Probably the best solution is to just tell the kernel somehow to
> never kill the postmaster.

Or configure adequate swap space?


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Re: [GENERAL] pg_dump problem

On Thursday 28 August 2008 4:32:56 am Laura Del Caño wrote:
> Hi,
> I am having a problem with pg_dump and I could not find any reference
> in the archive mailing lists.
> I am issuing the following command:
> pg_dump -c -o -s -n distributed -f backups/schema.sql syslog
> which apparently works fine. It is only when I tried to restore it in
> a fresh created database using:
> psql syslog < backups/schema.sql
> that I get lots of errors saying objects do not exist.
> Having a look at the schema.sql file I see the following:
> SET search_path = distributed, pg_catalog;
> ...
> CREATE SCHEMA distributed;
> ...
> CREATE FUNCTION facility_id(text) RETURNS integer
> AS $_$select id from distributed.facilities where facility = $1$_$
> ALTER FUNCTION distributed.facility_id(text) OWNER TO postgres;
> ...
> so I see that the function is created OUT of the schema distributed,
> and the ALTER is run on the same function that should be WITHIN schema
> distributed.
> (and when checking the function in the DB I indeed see it was created
> in the public schema)
> Same happens with all the objects in the schema.
> Obviously this is a big problem, maybe I am missing something...
> Is there maybe a way to set the search_path only to the schema I dumped?
> (maybe using -N pg_catalog to exclude that schema).

From the manual

Note: When -n is specified, pg_dump makes no attempt to dump any other
database objects that the selected schema(s) might depend upon. Therefore,
there is no guarantee that the results of a specific-schema dump can be
successfully restored by themselves into a clean database.

> Thanks in advance for your help,
> Laura

Adrian Klaver

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Re: [HACKERS] code coverage patch

Tom Lane wrote:
> We're pretty much assuming bison anyway, no? It's been years since
> I heard of anyone successfully building the backend grammar with plain
> yacc.

In my recollection, you were the last holdout on that with the
occasional HP-UX yacc test. But I seem to recall that that combination
actually no longer worked the last time.

If no one else has any interest in maintaining other-yacc support, then
we might as well drop it.

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Re: [HACKERS] September Commit Fest coming soon!

Tom Lane <> writes:

> Abhijit Menon-Sen <> writes:
>> At 2008-08-28 20:09:21 +0900, wrote:
>>> For the git hosted projects, should we send in the latest patch file
>>> to this list?
>> Yes, please do that.
> Yes. You should *not* assume that reviewers are going to look at the
> git repository.

I think we should include both. They serve two different purposes. The GIT
repository might disappear some day or be inaccessible for some users. Also
you might be asking for commentary on specific questions about that specific

However when a committer is actually looking to commit the code he'll want to
be sure he has the most recent snapshot including any later changes that might
not have warranted an email.

Gregory Stark
Ask me about EnterpriseDB's RemoteDBA services!

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Re: [GENERAL] 8.3.1 query plan

Steve Clark <> writes:
> Tom Lane wrote:
>> Consider testing the conditions on A at the top level, instead of
>> redundantly checking them inside the sub-query on B.

> Thanks for the response Tom, I am a SQL neophyte, so I'll try to
> rework the query.

What I meant to suggest was just

explain insert into myevents select * from t_unit_event_log a where
a.event_status = 1 and a.event_ref_log_no IS NOT NULL
and a.event_log_no not in (select event_log_no from myevents)
and exists (select b.event_log_no from myevents b
where a.event_ref_log_no = b.event_log_no)

ie, pull everything out of the subquery that doesn't depend on B.

Although, looking at it in this form, it seems like you'd be well
advised to then replace the EXISTS with an IN:

... and a.event_ref_log_no in (select b.event_log_no from myevents b)

Although those two forms should be equivalent, reality is that current
releases of PG are generally smarter about optimizing IN than EXISTS.
(The difference should largely go away as of 8.4.)

regards, tom lane

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[pdxpug] Fwd: [pgsql-jobs] Please post this position to your group

In case you missed it...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Susan Schmidt <>
Date: Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 4:32 PM
Subject: [pgsql-jobs] Please post this position to your group

Direct hire position in Portland, OR

Salary is up to $100K

Position Summary
The Senior Database Administrator (DBA) leads and provides the
direction for database technology and administration for all database
environments. The DBA is the primary support for all development,
test and production database environments to ensure high availability,
reliability, appropriate capacity, scalability, backup, recoverability
and performance. In addition, the Senior DBA is expected to
participate in the 24x7 on-call support rotation.

- Collaborate with others to determine and deploy database solutions
to business prioritized requirements, including business continuance
and information security along with functional requirements
- Install, configure, and test new PostgreSQL databases, perform
version upgrades of existing databases
- Install, upgrade and maintain all PostgreSQL-related server and
administration software
- Perform DB profiling and optimization; analyze and propose schema
changes to PostgreSQL databases as needed
- Proactively monitor activity, utilization, exceptions and database
health; propose and deploy appropriate improvements; automate
repetitive tasks
- Collaborate with team members to create, publish and maintain
database deployment methods and procedures for PostgreSQL databases
- Collaborate with the Infrastructure Architect to create and maintain
database technology roadmaps and deployment plans
- Perform database backup and recovery duties; establish standards and
schedules for database backups; develop and routinely test recovery
procedures for each database; ensure that backup schedules meet the
recovery requirements and conforms to all database and data quality
policies and standards
- Work closely with project teams to ensure project success;
coordinate product releases, data structure evolution, and manage and
synchronize data promotions between development, test and production
- Act as the final point of escalation and resolution for data related issues
- Design, implement and maintain archival and high availability strategies
- Provide advanced technical support for database developers
- Provide 24x7 database support as part of a rotation of DBAs

Needed Skills and Abilities
- Exceptional knowledge of the PostgreSQL database platform
- Mastery of physical database design
- Expertise in configuring, implementing and supporting high
availability strategies with database systems including clustering,
and replication
- Mastery of ANSI SQL and/or PL/SQL
- Experience in software development using Perl, Shell, or other
scripting languages
- Solution focused and methodical, careful attention to detail
- Solid background using UNIX operating systems – Ubuntu Linux
administration a plus
- Experience with SQL Server and/or Oracle database platforms is desirable
- Ability to perform capacity planning which supports the forecasting
and purchasing processes
- Ability to implement Database security safeguards and audit them
- Consistently learning about trends and features in DB solutions,
able to bring best practices to bear at solving DB and overall
application problems
- Ability to work in a high availability production environment where
unplanned downtime is unacceptable
- Ability to communicate ideas and designs to all stakeholders,
including non-technical audiences

Needed Education and Experience
- Minimum bachelor's degree in Computer Science or related field;
equivalent combinations of education and experience will be considered
in lieu of a degree
- Minimum five years of progressive experience performing PostgreSQL
administration in a production environment; experience should include
three or more years of database
administration in an enterprise level environment with very large (> 1
terabyte) databases

Susan Schmidt

Sr. Recruiter

503-598-3182 Office

503-720-8677 Cell

503-968-3198 Fax

2 Centerpointe Drive, Suite 105

Lake Oswego, OR 97035

Selena Deckelmann
Me -

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Re: [GENERAL] Vaccuum best practice: cronjob or autovaccuum?

On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 9:47 AM, Joao Ferreira gmail
<> wrote:
> you'll find that once in a while (start at once/week and build up or
> down from there) you can/should:
> - vacuum full
> - reindex your tables
> - reindex your indexes

Actually the manuals doesn't recomend VACUUM FULL for routine
maintenance anymore
For those not using autovacuum, one approach is to schedule a
database-wide VACUUM once a day during low-usage period, supplemented
by more frequent vacuuming of heavily-updated tables if necessary.
(Some installations with extremely high update rates vacuum their
busiest tables as often as once every few minutes.) If you have
multiple databases in a cluster, don't forget to VACUUM each one; the
program vacuumdb might be helpful.

VACUUM FULL is recommended for cases where you know you have deleted
the majority of rows in a table, so that the steady-state size of the
table can be shrunk substantially with VACUUM FULL's more aggressive
approach. Use plain VACUUM, not VACUUM FULL, for routine vacuuming for
space recovery.

Jaime Casanova
Soporte y capacitación de PostgreSQL
Asesoría y desarrollo de sistemas
Guayaquil - Ecuador
Cel. (593) 87171157

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[GENERAL] WAL file questions - how to relocate on Windows, how to replay after total loss, etc


Recently I had some questions about doing backups and received very helpful replies. I have now put together a BAT file to do a routine backup, using pg_dumpall with the -g option to get the roles, and pg_dump with the custom format to get all the data.

I am now testing this process to make sure it is possible to recover data up to the last minute in the event of a catastrophic server failure.

I should mention that I'm running PostgreSQL 8.2 on a Windows computer (Win2K for testing) and that I am developing and testing this procedure because I do software development for clients using PG at my recommendation. They are small companies who don't use Unix. In fact, the PG server is likely to be one of the office workstations.

To test, I ran my backup procedure, added a row to a table, then pressed reset on the workstation/server to simulate the catastrophe.

When the computer booted, the server started automatically, so I shut it down. I then renamed the data folder to simulate complete loss of the computer, and I created a new cluster and database and did a restore of the roles and then the data. (My data had an invalid UTF8 character so, thanks to help given here, I extracted that table to plain text, ran iconv on it, and loaded the problem table.)

So now I have everything back except that row I added after doing the backup.


How to replay WAL files: Now that I have a freshly created and reloaded database, how do I replay the WAL files from the pretend crashed server, now in a renamed folder? I understand I create a recover.conf file and restart the server. But I don't understand the process. I am to put a copy command in the file to copy wal files from the renamed folder, but how does the server know what files to copy? Is something else needed in the recover.conf file? By the way, when I restarted the server, the file was renamed to recover.done but the missing row didn't appear.

On Windows, is it possible to relocate the wal files to another hard drive?

Does pg_dump do a checkpoint?

How do I make sure the wal files are not discarded before another backup is done?

How to release wal files after the backup is done?

The first two questions I could find no answer to. The others I admit I haven't researched very long as I was more interested in the first question.



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Re: [HACKERS] September Commit Fest coming soon!

Abhijit Menon-Sen <> writes:
> At 2008-08-28 20:09:21 +0900, wrote:
>> For the git hosted projects, should we send in the latest patch file
>> to this list?

> Yes, please do that.

Yes. You should *not* assume that reviewers are going to look at the
git repository.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [HACKERS] What happend to equality_oper()

Bernd Helmle <> writes:
> I've used above function to construct OpExpr expressions with equality
> operators in the past, but it seems it was removed and there's no
> replacement for it?

Look at get_sort_group_operators() instead. Or use the type cache

regards, tom lane

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Re: [PERFORM] select on 22 GB table causes"An I/O error occured while sending to the backend." exception

>>> Bill Moran <> wrote:
> In response to Matthew Wakeling <>:
>> Probably the best solution is to just tell the kernel somehow to
>> kill the postmaster.
> This thread interested me enough to research this a bit.
> In linux, it's possible to tell the OOM killer never to consider
> certain processes for the axe, using /proc magic. See this page:
> Perhaps this should be in the PostgreSQL docs somewhere?

That sure sounds like a good idea.

Even though the one time the OOM killer kicked in on one of our
servers, it killed a runaway backend and not the postmaster
( ),
I think I will modify our service scripts in /etc/init.d/ to pick off
the postmaster pid after a start and echo -16 (or some such) into the
/proc/<pid>/oom_adj file (which is where I found the file on my SuSE

Thanks for the research and the link!


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Re: [GENERAL] Vaccuum best practice: cronjob or autovaccuum?

On Thu, 2008-08-28 at 19:53 +0800, Phoenix Kiula wrote:
> On our database of about 5GB we vaccuum all of our 12 tables (only one
> is huge, all others have about 100,000 rows or so) every hour or so.

if you refer to manual VACUUM or VACUUM FULL every hour is probably too
much. You should aim your vacuum full for about 1ce per week.

> But we also have autovaccuum enabled. Is this okay? Do the two vaccuum
> processes contradict each other, or add unnecessary load to the
> system?

read the manuals in

specifically read this seciton:

you'll find that once in a while (start at once/week and build up or
down from there) you can/should:

- vacuum full
- reindex your tables
- reindex your indexes

> The reason we introduced the cronjob we felt was that the autovaccuum
> was not really doing its job.

how did you realise that ? turn off the cron job, wait a few days. In
the meanwhile monitor your disk space ocupation (du
-sh /var/lib?/pgsql....????/base/)

if you see that size growing and the total row count (select count(*)
from whatever) isn't gorwing you need external vacuums

> I wonder if anyone can share some
> insight on whether these settings are good for a DB that is basically
> 24x7:

like someone sayd: it's not the 24x7. it's the: how many tuples get
DELETEd or UPDTATEd (for the case of autovacuum) in one day, for

If you find that your db updates/deletes many tuples per hour

> autovacuum = on
> autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay = 20
> vacuum_cost_delay = 20
> autovacuum_naptime = 10
> stats_start_collector = on
> stats_row_level = on
> autovacuum_vacuum_threshold = 75
> autovacuum_analyze_threshold = 25

> autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor = 0.02
> autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor = 0.01

these two can be tricky: if your database is very big, then 2% of 'very
big' is 'a lot of changes' before autovacuum even tries to vacuum.

read the documentation about these two.

you might want to consider using scale factors of 0 and increase just a
bit both thresholds; p. ex

autovacuum_vacuum_threshold = 20000
autovacuum_analyze_threshold = 10000

Autovacuum is something that you adjust to your needs;

Another tip: edit your postgresql.conf and bring the debug levels to:

log_min_messages = debug3
log_min_error_statement = debug3

then just follow the logfile (location depends on
distro; /var/log/postgresql; /var/pgsql/data/; whatever)

IMPORTANT: don't leave the debug3 forever: it is very verbose and _will_
eat up your disc in no time;

you might want to do something like this:

tail -f logfile | grep vac


tail -f logfile | grep threshold

take your time :) autovacuum requires a bit of dedication but, in the
end it works fine (preventig disc space growth)

note also that VACUUM has nothing to do with REINDEXing and REINDEXing
also frees a considerable amount of disk space in certain cases.

very important: read the docs:

In my case I have autovaccum with scale factors 0 and naptime 600; also
a cron job for vacuum full and reindex everything once a week (during
the night). its working fine on a db with about 2 Giga and average 10000
deletes a day and well above 200000 INSERTs/UPDATEs per day.


PS: I'm saying all this because I'm just going through this process
myself and I think I'm on the right track. things are starting to work
the way I want them too :)

> Thanks! I've read up some websites for this kind of tuning, but often
> the info is for older versions of DBs and some of the tweaks have
> changed since. I am on 8.2.9.

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[pgsql-es-ayuda] Problemas al concatenar

Necesito concatenar 2 cadenas para ello tengo una tabla con un campo
El problem que se me presenta es que me elimina los espacios en blanco
del campo de la tabla, ahora si utilizo una cadena no tengo problemas.
Alguna pista?

PostgreSQL 8.2.6 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 3.4.4

DB=# CREATE temporary TABLE test1 (a character(4));

DB=# INSERT INTO test1 VALUES ('ok ');

DB=# SELECT a||'A', 'ok '||'A' FROM test1;
?column? | ?column?
okA | ok A
(1 row)

Saludos, Alejandro
TIP 1: para suscribirte y desuscribirte, visita

Re: [pgsql-es-ayuda] Consulta sobre index

2008/8/28 Lennin Caro <>:
> 1-como se cual es el indice que usara el query plan?

siendo el indice creado para el primary key un indice unique yo
creeria que este siempre ganara

> 2-se puede eliminar el indice creado implicitamente por postgresql al crear la PK?

no. y para que querrias hacer eso?

Jaime Casanova
Soporte y capacitación de PostgreSQL
Asesoría y desarrollo de sistemas
Guayaquil - Ecuador
Cel. (593) 87171157
TIP 10: no uses HTML en tu pregunta, seguro que quien responda no podrá leerlo

[ADMIN] Installing PostgreSQL 8.3.3. on Vista

I tried installing PostgreSQL 8.3.3 on Vista Business, and initdb failed to start during the installer.  I'd really like to make this install as automatic as possible since I'm installing PostgreSQL as part of my application installer process.  It would be best if the user does not have to deal with any sort of configuration for Postgres.  I also tried running the main MSI file with the graphical interface, and ran into the same problem.  Here is the message I received first:
Failed to run initdb: 1!
I checked the initdb.log file it generated, and all it said was
"The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log for more detail."
So I checked the event log, and it had the following:
Log Name:      Application
Source:        SideBySide
Date:          8/28/2008 7:23:49 AM
Event ID:      33
Task Category: None
Level:         Error
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      VISTATEST
Activation context generation failed for "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3\bin\initdb.exe". Dependent Assembly Microsoft.VC80.CRT,processorArchitecture="x86",publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",type="win32",version="8.0.50727.762" could not be found. Please use sxstrace.exe for detailed diagnosis.
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns="">
    <Provider Name="SideBySide" />
    <EventID Qualifiers="49409">33</EventID>
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2008-08-28T14:23:49.000Z" />
    <Security />
    <Data>C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3\bin\initdb.exe</Data>
I couldn't figure out what I was supposed to do with sxstrace.exe, though.  The usage example showed parsing a *.etl file, but I can't find any of these on my system.
Any help would be appreciated.

Re: [BUGS] BUG #4383: operations in a certain row makes server process terminate with signal 11

"Marco Aurelio C. Miranda" <> writes:
> the behavior I'm about to demonstrate started to happen after a forced
> reboot but fsck hasn't found anything wrong with the ext3 filesystem.

fsck doesn't even think about whether the data inside user files is
any good.

> Look what happens when I select the id field of a particular row in this
> table:

>> select id from uab_message_read where id=249222;
> id
> ------------
> 1714385506
> (1 row)

If you're lucky, this is just a corrupted index on,
and can be fixed via REINDEX. Otherwise, what you've got is a corrupted

> And when I try to select any other field of this row or to update any of the
> fields or to delete the row, the client outputs the following message:
> server closed the connection unexpectedly

That part sounds more like the table row is corrupted :-(. If you
aren't in a position to restore the whole table from backup, you'll
need to try to identify and wipe out the broken row. Usually zeroing
its whole page is the easiest way to do this, though you'll want to
see what else is on that page first. Check the PG archives for
discussions of recovering from corrupted-data scenarios.

regards, tom lane

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[COMMITTERS] stackbuilder - wizard: Use the project binary and osurce directories,

Log Message:
Use the project binary and osurce directories, not the current ones

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CMakeLists.txt (r1.16 -> r1.17)

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Re: [ADMIN] Checking Postgres Version Question

2008/8/28 John <>:
> Hi,
> Is there a way to check which version of Postgres is installed on a
> particular Linux box without query the RPM database?
> For instance, is there a "psql --version" command, or something similar,
> that I can use?
> Thanks,
> John
> --
> Sent via pgsql-admin mailing list (
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select version();

(for the server version)

psql --version

(for the client version)


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Re: [SQL] uuid-ossp contrib in pg 8.1

James Neethling wrote:
> I want to add uuid support to a postgres 8.1 installation. Can I install
> 8.3 uuid-contrib into 8.1?

8.1 does not have a uuid type, so this won't work.

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Re: [GENERAL] Feature Request: additional extension to UPDATE

"Richard Broersma" <> writes:
> SET ( a, b, c, ..., n ) = ( SELECT newA, newB, newC, ..., newN
> FROM Bar WHERE = )

> Any thoughts on this?

It's been on the TODO list for quite some time:

regards, tom lane

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Re: [GENERAL] indexes on functions and create or replace function

"Matthew Dennis" <> writes:
> Given table T(c1 int) and function F(arg int) create an index on T using
> F(c1). It appears that if you execute "create or replace function F" and
> provide a different implementation that the index still contains the results
> from the original implementation, thus if you execute something like "select
> * from T where F(c1)" after replacing the function that it now misses rows
> that should be returned. In other words, the index isn't aware the function
> is now returning different values. That's not the correct/expected behavior
> is it? I would have expected that replacing the function would have caused
> any indexes that depend on that function to be reindexed/recreated with the
> new function implementation.

If it did that, you (or someone) would complain about the enormous
overhead imposed on trivial updates of the function. Since determining
whether the function actually did change behavior is Turing-complete,
we can't realistically try to determine that in software. So we leave
it up to the user to reindex if he makes a behavioral change in an
indexed function.

(Changing the behavior of an allegedly IMMUTABLE function has a number
of other pitfalls besides that one, btw.)

regards, tom lane

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Re: [pgsql-es-ayuda] Obtener los permisos por esquema

> Mira si te sirven las funciones has_schema_privilege().
> Saludos.

Exelente aporte Fernando!!

Era precisamente lo que necesitaba, gracias!!!
TIP 3: Si encontraste la respuesta a tu problema, publícala, otros te lo agradecerán

[ADMIN] Checking Postgres Version Question


Is there a way to check which version of Postgres is installed on a
particular Linux box without query the RPM database?

For instance, is there a "psql --version" command, or something similar,
that I can use?


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Re: [HACKERS] code coverage patch

Peter Eisentraut <> writes:
> Korry Douglas wrote:
>> Why not use the %output directive in the grammar file instead; that way
>> you don't need to add any special flags to the Makefile.

> I think only bison supports that directive.

We're pretty much assuming bison anyway, no? It's been years since
I heard of anyone successfully building the backend grammar with plain

regards, tom lane

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[pgsql-es-ayuda] Consulta sobre index

este es el excenario

-Se crea una tabla "tb1"
-Se crea una PK id "pk_id" (automaticamente se crea un indice a esta PK)
-se crea un indice "idx_id" indexando el campo id de la tabla

ahora mi preunta es:
1-como se cual es el indice que usara el query plan?
2-se puede eliminar el indice creado implicitamente por postgresql al crear la PK?

muchas gracias

TIP 9: visita nuestro canal de IRC #postgresql-es en

Re: [pgeu-general] LinuxLive UK

On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 3:12 PM, David Fetter <> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 10:13:07AM +0100, Dave Page wrote:
>> I've mentioned previously that we have a table in the .ORG village at
>> LinuxLive, Olympia, London on the 23 - 25 October.
> Shall I put a call for participation in this week's PostgreSQL Weekly
> News?

Yes please :-). Have folks contact me.

Dave Page
EnterpriseDB UK:

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Re: [pgeu-general] LinuxLive UK

On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 10:13:07AM +0100, Dave Page wrote:
> I've mentioned previously that we have a table in the .ORG village at
> LinuxLive, Olympia, London on the 23 - 25 October.

Shall I put a call for participation in this week's PostgreSQL Weekly

> It's about time that we got organised and figured out who will be
> available to attend, and when. I can volunteer Greg and myself, but we
> need at least a few additional people to man the booth effectively
> over the three days. So, can I get a show of hands from those able to
> attend, along with how many/which days please?
> Thanks!
> --
> Dave Page
> EnterpriseDB UK:
> --
> Sent via pgeu-general mailing list (
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David Fetter <>
Phone: +1 415 235 3778 AIM: dfetter666 Yahoo!: dfetter
Skype: davidfetter XMPP:

Remember to vote!
Consider donating to Postgres:

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Re: [ADMIN] [GENERAL] PITR - base backup question

> Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2008 06:58:33 -0700
> From:
> Subject: Re: [ADMIN] [GENERAL] PITR - base backup question
> To:;;
> --- On Tue, 8/26/08, Richard Broersma wrote:
>> From: Richard Broersma
>> Subject: [GENERAL] PITR - base backup question
>> To: "" ,
>> Date: Tuesday, August 26, 2008, 10:53 PM
>> From the following link:
>> Step 3 says to perform the back up.
>> Does this mean a File System Backup of the Data
>> directory?\

It is a file system backup, we use PITR and every time we need a new checkpoint we create a TAR file of the postgresql home directory

>> OR
>> Does this mean performing a pg_dumpall and backing up
>> the dump file?
> is a file system backup of he data directory
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Richard Broersma Jr.
> --
> Sent via pgsql-admin mailing list (
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Re: [HACKERS] code coverage patch

Korry Douglas wrote:
>> 1) Use bison's -o option to put the output file in the right place
>> directly,
>> if we are dealing with bison (and don't bother to support code coverage
>> analysis with other yaccs), or
>> 2) Run a pattern replacement across the grammar output files as their are
>> renamed.
> Why not use the %output directive in the grammar file instead; that way
> you don't need to add any special flags to the Makefile.

I think only bison supports that directive.

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Re: [PERFORM] select on 22 GB table causes "An I/O error occured while sending to the backend." exception

In response to Matthew Wakeling <>:
> Probably the best solution is to just tell the kernel somehow to never
> kill the postmaster.

This thread interested me enough to research this a bit.

In linux, it's possible to tell the OOM killer never to consider
certain processes for the axe, using /proc magic. See this page:

Perhaps this should be in the PostgreSQL docs somewhere?

Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.
Phone: 412-422-3463x4023

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Re: [HACKERS] code coverage patch

Gregory Stark wrote:
> Peter Eisentraut <> writes:
>> The reason for that problem is that the shared object needs to be linked
>> with -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage. (One of these causes -lgcov to be
>> linked, which includes the missing symbol.) This is not done because the
>> shared object link rules don't use CFLAGS.
> Shared object link rules should use another variable (LDFLAGS?) and those
> options should be added that variable as well.

When linking executables, we already use both CFLAGS and LDFLAGS. This
is the standard way in the GNU-enabled world. And it does exactly the
right thing in this gcov case. If we invented another variable, we
would disrupt that system and would further differentiate between
different types of linking, while we should ultimately aim to make it
less different.

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Re: [PERFORM] select on 22 GB table causes "An I/O error occured while sending to the backend." exception

On Wed, 27 Aug 2008, wrote:
> if memory overcommit is disabled, the kernel checks to see if you have an
> extra 1G of ram available, if you do it allows the process to continue, if
> you don't it tries to free memory (by throwing away cache, swapping to disk,
> etc), and if it can't free the memory will return a memroy allocation error
> (which I believe will cause firefox to exit).

Remember that the memory overcommit check is checking against the amount
of RAM + swap you have - not just the amount of RAM. When a fork occurs,
hardly any extra actual RAM is used (due to copy on write), but the
potential is there for the process to use it. If overcommit is switched
off, then you just need to make sure there is *plenty* of swap to convince
the kernel that it can actually fulfil all of the memory requests if all
the processes behave badly and all shared pages become unshared. Then the
consequences of processes actually using that memory are that the machine
will swap, rather than the OOM killer having to act.

Of course, it's generally bad to run a machine with more going on than
will fit in RAM.

Neither swapping nor OOM killing are particularly good - it's just a
consequence of the amount of memory needed being unpredictable.

Probably the best solution is to just tell the kernel somehow to never
kill the postmaster.


<Taking apron off> And now you can say honestly that you have been to a
lecture where you watched paint dry.
- Computer Graphics Lecturer

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[COMMITTERS] stackbuilder - wizard: Cleanup source tarball generation

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Cleanup source tarball generation

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Re: [GENERAL] Vaccuum best practice: cronjob or autovaccuum?

On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 07:53:17PM +0800, Phoenix Kiula wrote:
> On our database of about 5GB we vaccuum all of our 12 tables (only one
> is huge, all others have about 100,000 rows or so) every hour or so.
> But we also have autovaccuum enabled. Is this okay? Do the two vaccuum
> processes contradict each other, or add unnecessary load to the
> system?

They do the latter. Especially vacuuming every hour, you're foiling
the autovacuum and just introducing completely unnecessary load.

> The reason we introduced the cronjob we felt was that the autovaccuum
> was not really doing its job.

What gave you this feeling?

What's the "churn rate" on these tables (i.e. how fast do dead rows
get created?)

My suspicion is that, using the 8.2 autovacuum, your "huge" table
needs to be vacuumed manually, and the others just left to
autovacuum. But that's just a guess at the moment.

Andrew Sullivan
+1 503 667 4564 x104

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Re: [GENERAL] Slow PG after upgrade to 8.2.9!!

On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 02:44:08PM +0300, Devrim GÜNDÜZ wrote:
> After restart, OS and PostgreSQL caches are cleaned up -- it might also
> slow down PostgreSQL a bit.

I'll bet this is the right answer -- before, you were mostly getting
things out of cache (memory), and right now everything has to come off
the disk. Does iostat seem to confirm that? Are you swapping, by any


Andrew Sullivan
+1 503 667 4564 x104

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[COMMITTERS] stackbuilder - wizard: Ensure the translations are properly installed in

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Ensure the translations are properly installed in the appbundle.

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CMakeLists.txt (r1.14 -> r1.15)

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Re: [HACKERS] code coverage patch

> The problem with those files is that the source file contains lines
> like this:
> #line 1042 ""
> but that source file does not exist, as it is renamed to gram.c.
> We could fix that in one of two ways:
> 1) Use bison's -o option to put the output file in the right place
> directly,
> if we are dealing with bison (and don't bother to support code
> coverage
> analysis with other yaccs), or
> 2) Run a pattern replacement across the grammar output files as
> their are
> renamed.

Why not use the %output directive in the grammar file instead; that
way you don't need to add any special flags to the Makefile.

-- Korry

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[pgsql-ru-general] freebsd и utf-8

Добрый день,

Установлена FreeBSD 4.9-RELEASE и PostgreSQL 8.3.1.
Initdb выполнена с опциями --encoding=UTF8 --locale=ru_RU.UTF-8.

Не работают функции UPPER/LOWER и полнотекстового поиска. Подскажите в чём
может быть дело?

С уважением, Глеб

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[COMMITTERS] stackbuilder - wizard: Fix CPack options

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Fix CPack options

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Re: [PERFORM] select on 22 GB table causes "An I/O error occured while sending to the backend." exception

On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 03:22:09PM -0700, wrote:
> I disagree with you. I think goof Postgres operation is so highly dependant
> on caching as much data as possible that disabling overcommit (and throwing
> away a lot of memory that could be used for cache) is a solution that's as
> bad or worse than the problem it's trying to solve.

Ok, but the danger is that the OOM killer kills your postmaster. To
me, this is a cure way worse than the disease it's trying to treat.
YMMD &c. &c.


Andrew Sullivan
+1 503 667 4564 x104

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