Monday, May 26, 2008

[GENERAL] Open Source CRM - Options?


I am working with a client (a media company) that is re-developing its
web publishing system.

I've already shortlisted potential CMS systems (including several open-
source options, such as Drupal and Joomla).

The brief requires a site that has sophisticated profiling capability,
particularly with respect to the ability to 'personalise' the site;
that is, recognise certain user preferences, and (where possible)
target content to individual user interests etc.

I am looking for examples of open-source CRM (or similar platforms)
used for this kind of profiling/personalisation, and would appreciate
any pointers readers of this newsgroup might be able to offer.

Please reply directly to me at



Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
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Re: [HACKERS] Read Uncommitted

Hannu Krosing <> writes:
> On Mon, 2008-05-26 at 16:55 +0200, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
>> If the data in a table never changes, why would VACUUM or HOT need to touch
>> it? The use case isn't clear to me.

> I guess the use-case is about a long read-write transaction doing
> read-only access to an update-only table and thus blocking vacuum on
> other tables.

... in which case the proposed kluge would result in unstable,
unpredictable answers, so there is still no plausible use-case.

regards, tom lane

Sent via pgsql-hackers mailing list (
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Re: [HACKERS] ERRORDATA_STACK_SIZE panic crashes on Windows

I wrote:
> Have any Windows-using hackers tried to look into the reports of
> $SUBJECT on 8.3? We have two fresh reports:
> and this isn't the first time we've heard of it.

And now we have another report:
for which the complainant was kind enough to supply the requested
details, and they seem to confirm my previous theory:

> What I'm currently thinking is that maybe gettext() isn't on the
> same page as us concerning what encoding it's supposed to produce
> its output in.

After digging around in the source code a bit, the reason why (and why
it's only seen on Windows) became blindingly obvious :-(. On Windows
we specifically allow UTF-8 database encoding to be selected regardless
of the system locale settings. This is (AFAIK) safe for the basic
locale-dependent stuff we do, because that all goes through special
UTF-16-using code paths. But it leaves gettext utterly misinformed
about what it is supposed to do.

Fortunately there is a way to tell gettext what to do, and accordingly
I propose the attached patch. I am not in a position to test it
however. Would somebody replicate the failure and confirm this
fixes it?

regards, tom lane

Re: [pgsql-es-ayuda] Configuración de Postgres en un Server de Hosting

¿ Es Hosting compartido o un VPS ?

Existe mucha diferencia entre uno y otro, yo tuve una situación
similar y resolví todos mis problemas con un VPS ya que tenia el
control del server. Puedes instalar la versión que necesites y tienes
el control total de tus bd´s.


Ricardo Granados

2008/5/25 Luis Alberto Vargas Miranda <>:
> Estimados
> Actualmente estoy en un Proyecto para un Cliente, el cual no tiene un
> Servidor, y debido a que la aplicación que desarrollaremos está en PHP, este
> Cliente optó por alquilar un Hosting. Este Hosting es el tipico que se
> contrata para webs. Bueno el tema despues de instalar Postgres, deseo
> conectarme desde PgAdmin y me da el siguiente error que aun no he podido
> solucionar:
> Access to database denied
> The server doesn't grant access to the database: the server reports
> FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "ats_postgres",
> database "postgres", SSL off
> To access a database on a PostgreSQL server, you first have to grant primary
> access to the server for your client (Host Based Authentication). PostgreSQL
> will check the pg_hba.conf file if a pattern that matches your client
> address / username / database is present and enabled before any SQL GRANT
> access control lists are evaluated.
> The initial settings in pg_hba.conf are quite restrictive, in order to avoid
> unwanted security holes caused by unreviewed but mandatory system settings.
> You'll probably want to add something like
> host all all md5
> This example grants MD5 encrypted password access to all databases to all
> users on the private network
> You can use the pg_hba.conf editor that is built into pgAdmin III to edit
> the pg_hba.conf configuration file. After changing pg_hba.conf, you need to
> trigger a server configuration reload using pg_ctl or by stopping and
> restarting the server process.
> Gracias de antemano! Saludos!
> Atentamente
> Luis Alberto Vargas Miranda
> ----------------------------------------------
> (51) (54) - 9690757 (Movistar)
> (51) (54) - 9122312 (Claro)
> (51) (1) - 94001131 (Nextel)
> (51*400*1131) (Nextel Conexión Directa)
> ----------------------------------------------
> ________________________________
> Discover the new Windows Vista Learn more!

Ing. Ricardo Granados Tiznado
Solar Grupo Industrial, S.A. de C.V.
Mazatlan, Sinaloa, México.
TIP 5: ¿Has leído nuestro extenso FAQ?

Re: [pgsql-es-ayuda] Necesito orientacion en servidor postgresql en servidor DELL

El día 26 de mayo de 2008 12:19, Espartano <> escribió:
> 2008/5/26 Edwin Salguero <>:
>> Voy a provar con la configuracion que me pasaron de postgresql.conf.. y les
>> dare noticias mas tarde.. espero que funcione..
>> Ahora respecto a porque bloqueo.. las tablas.. es un tema bastante extenso
>> que no puedo solucionar solo con un llave...
>> Si alguien tiene algun documento o alguna referencia de control de
>> concurrencia les agradezco.. Gracias.. de antemano..

pero no se supone que por eso ocupamos un gestor de base de datos,
para que el se preocupe del control de concurrencia ????
me intriga tu problema, porque todo me indica que el problema se debe
a una mala implementación y nada mas.
TIP 1: para suscribirte y desuscribirte, visita

Re: [PERFORM] Symbolic Links to Tablespaces

Once I have assigned tables and indexes to a particular tablespace that
points to a particular location on disk is there a simple way to move
the files to a new location?

Table xyz is using tablespace xyz_tbl which is located at
/somedir/xyz_tbl on the disk. If I want to move it to a new disk
located at /someotherdir/xyz_tbl/ how can I do that easily?

Do I have to backup all of the tables using the tablespace xyz_tbl, drop
the tables, drop the tablespace, recreate the tablespace with a
different disk location and then finally reload the tables and data? Or
is there an easier way? Is there a move tablespace disk location


Lance Campbell
Project Manager/Software Architect
Web Services at Public Affairs
University of Illinois
My e-mail address has changed to

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Lane []
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2008 10:09 AM
To: Campbell, Lance
Subject: Re: [PERFORM] Symbolic Links to Tablespaces

"Campbell, Lance" <> writes:
> I have started to define tablespaces on different disks. Is there any
> performance issues related to referencing tablespaces on different
> with symbolic links? By using symbolic links to tablespaces can I
> stop the database and move a particular tablespace from one location
> another without causing a problem? This would seem to give a lot of
> flexibility to the location of tablespaces.

A tablespace already is a symbolic link --- read

Putting another one into the path will eat cycles and doesn't seem like
it could buy anything.

regards, tom lane

Sent via pgsql-performance mailing list (
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Re: [BUGS] BUG #4177: Dump and restore from Slonified 8.1.11 causes a segfault

On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 08:40:16AM +0000, Githogori Nyangara-Murage wrote:
> Either a pg_dumpall or pg_dump of a Slonified database on PostgreSQL 8.1.11
> causes a segfault

When you say "slonified", do you mean "dumped from [some] replica [of
at least one table]" or "dumped from origin"? If its the former, it
will never work.


Andrew Sullivan
+1 503 667 4564 x104

Sent via pgsql-bugs mailing list (
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Re: [HACKERS] Read Uncommitted

On Mon, 2008-05-26 at 16:55 +0200, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> Am Montag, 26. Mai 2008 schrieb Simon Riggs:
> > At the moment, a long running SQL Statement can prevent xmin moving
> > forward, which can result in VACUUM and HOT not being able to remove row
> > versions effectively. My proposal is that a Read Uncommitted transaction
> > would not prevent row removal, which then offers no guarantee that the
> > "correct" answer would be returned. Which is *exactly* what that
> > transaction isolation level was designed for.
> >
> > In many cases, an application designer may be able to tell that a
> > particular query will always return the correct answer. For example, we
> > may query against data which is known not to change, even though other
> > data in the same database cluster may be subject to frequent change.
> > e.g. queries against large insert-only tables.
> If the data in a table never changes, why would VACUUM or HOT need to touch
> it? The use case isn't clear to me.

I guess the use-case is about a long read-write transaction doing
read-only access to an update-only table and thus blocking vacuum on
other tables.


Sent via pgsql-hackers mailing list (
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Re: [GENERAL] function cache effect still happening?

On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 9:49 PM, Fernando Moreno <> wrote:
Hi everyone, a few months ago I was still using Postgresql 8.2 and had the problem described here: , that time I solved it using EXECUTE for all sentences accessing temporary tables. Right now I'm using 8.3,  the scenario is a little different but the problem is the same. I have many schemas with the same structure (tables, views and one trigger), and two functions in the public schema which insert and delete data from them, the INSERT and DELETE sentences are hard-coded. Every schema represents a store from the same company.

The idea is that just by changing the search_path value to something like "schema1,public", it's possible to execute the functions and to process data for any schema (one at a time). But the problem is here: through the client app, a user invokes one of these functions on a given schema (schema1), then requests a "store change", actually setting the search_path to use another schema (schema2) and again, executes any of the functions that access the schema tables, BUT the function seems to be still linked to the first schema, so new records are added to the wrong schema and delete operations don't find the right record. EXECUTE will save the day again, but I'd like to know if this is considered a known bug even when it was apparently fixed.

I don't think it can be categorized as a bug! This is happening because all the DML queries are prepared upon first execution, and the plan stores the unique identifiers (OIDs) of the objects and not the names of the objects. Upon changing search_path, the function cache is not flushed, and hence the query plans are still operating on the same objects.

I see two possibilities,

i) Flush function cache (only the query plans, if possible) when changing search_path.
ii) Give users the ability to flush the function cache at will.

I don't think (ii) will have much backing, but (i) does make some sense.

Best regards,
singh.gurjeet@{ gmail | hotmail | indiatimes | yahoo }.com


Mail sent from my BlackLaptop device

Re: [pgsql-es-ayuda] tablas grandes

Hola Alejandro,

Podes mandar el explain de ambas consultas y la salida de "show all;" ?


On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 9:30 AM, alejandrob <> wrote:
> Amigos y colegas usuarios de postgres
> Se me presenta un problema y necesito de su ayuda, les cuento mi situacion :
> Tengo tablas de mas de 15 millones de registros, si realizo una consulta por
> un campo que su repetion dentro de la tabla es de 500 veces aprox, la
> respuesta es buena, ahora si consulto por otro valor donde la repeticion es
> 5000/10000 veces ( registros ) , la consulta se demora 10 a 15 minutos,
> tengo postgres 8.1 sobre windows 2003, en un doble xeon de 2. mhz intel con
> 2 gb de ram y discos scsi en raid 5, tiene indices creados por los campos
> que se incluyen en la clausula where, y estuve tocando un poco los archivo
> de configuracion y mejoro un poco pero no mucho.
> Por lo que lei me convendria migrar al postgres 8.3 ya que veo que triplica
> su velocidad de respuesta y ya que estamos voy a trasladar el motor a un
> servidor HP G5 quad core 4gb ram con debian.
> Ustedes creen que esto que tengo planeado hacer realmente va mejorar la
> situacion, les pregunto esto ya que requiere de una inversion, y ademas
> estas tablas van a seguir creciendo.
> Tambien pense en particionar las tablas pero tengo miedo que esto me traiga
> problemas de perdida de datos. ya que podria particionar por una fecha de
> movimientos. y la base se encargaria sola de buscar donde corresponda.
> Por ultimo, para manejos de tablas grandes, postgres va o me tendre que
> pasar a oracle u otra base de pago. ?
> Ya se que son muchas preguntas, acepto todas las sugerencias, son muy
> bienvenidas, me van a servir de mucho para tomar una desicion.
> Muchas gracias
> Alejandro
> --
> TIP 5: ¿Has leído nuestro extenso FAQ?

Guido Barosio
TIP 10: no uses HTML en tu pregunta, seguro que quien responda no podrá leerlo

Re: [pgsql-es-ayuda] recomendacion para BD grande

fn;quoted-printable:Jenaro Centeno G=C3=B3mez
n;quoted-printable:Centeno G=C3=B3mez;Jenaro
org;quoted-printable:Alimentos La Concordia, S.A. de C.V.;Tecnolog=C3=ADas de la Informaci=C3=B3n
adr;quoted-printable:Col. La Marimba;;Loma de Prados No. 1332;Lagos de Moreno;JAL;47470;M=C3=A9xico
title:Coordinador de TI
tel;work:+52 474 741 9200
tel;fax:+52 474 741 9200


Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Para cualquier diseño siempre es buena idea seguir las 5 reglas normales o también conocido como Normalización de Bases de Datos, checa esto:

Quizá no las cumplas todas pero al menos con tres de estas cumplidas debes tener un buen diseño.


P.D.: No sería bueno tener una tabla para tipos de documentos (tipodoc) y especificar un poco más la de datos?

Gabriel Ferro escribió:

Maestros, tengo una BD de personas y esta puede ser muy grande (millones de entradas). he construido las siguientes tablas
 documento character varying(10) NOT NULL,
  tipodoc smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 13
  nombre character varying(200) NOT NULL,
  sexo character(1),
  datos character varying(255),
  fechanac timestamp without time zone,
  CONSTRAINT personas_pkey PRIMARY KEY (documento, tipodoc)

codprov integer NOT NULL,
coddpto integer NOT NULL,
localidad character varying(200) NOT NULL,
claveloc serial NOT NULL

coddpto integer NOT NULL,
departamento character varying(50),
 codprov integer NOT NULL

 codprov smallint NOT NULL,
  provincia character varying(50),

 documento character varying(10) NOT NULL,
  tipodoc smallint NOT NULL,
  claveloc integer NOT NULL

les parece que es bueno tenerlo asi, o habria que buscar otra forma para que no se atoren las consultas?

Yahoo! Deportes Beta
¡No te pierdas lo último sobre el torneo clausura 2008!
Enterate aquí

[pgsql-es-ayuda] tablas grandes

Amigos y colegas usuarios de postgres

Se me presenta un problema y necesito de su ayuda, les cuento mi situacion :

Tengo tablas de mas de 15 millones de registros, si realizo una consulta por
un campo que su repetion dentro de la tabla es de 500 veces aprox, la
respuesta es buena, ahora si consulto por otro valor donde la repeticion es
5000/10000 veces ( registros ) , la consulta se demora 10 a 15 minutos,
tengo postgres 8.1 sobre windows 2003, en un doble xeon de 2. mhz intel con
2 gb de ram y discos scsi en raid 5, tiene indices creados por los campos
que se incluyen en la clausula where, y estuve tocando un poco los archivo
de configuracion y mejoro un poco pero no mucho.

Por lo que lei me convendria migrar al postgres 8.3 ya que veo que triplica
su velocidad de respuesta y ya que estamos voy a trasladar el motor a un
servidor HP G5 quad core 4gb ram con debian.

Ustedes creen que esto que tengo planeado hacer realmente va mejorar la
situacion, les pregunto esto ya que requiere de una inversion, y ademas
estas tablas van a seguir creciendo.

Tambien pense en particionar las tablas pero tengo miedo que esto me traiga
problemas de perdida de datos. ya que podria particionar por una fecha de
movimientos. y la base se encargaria sola de buscar donde corresponda.

Por ultimo, para manejos de tablas grandes, postgres va o me tendre que
pasar a oracle u otra base de pago. ?

Ya se que son muchas preguntas, acepto todas las sugerencias, son muy
bienvenidas, me van a servir de mucho para tomar una desicion.

Muchas gracias


TIP 5: ¿Has leído nuestro extenso FAQ?

Re: [pgsql-es-ayuda] Necesito orientacion en servidor postgresql en servidor DELL

2008/5/26 Edwin Salguero <>:
> Voy a provar con la configuracion que me pasaron de postgresql.conf.. y les
> dare noticias mas tarde.. espero que funcione..
> Ahora respecto a porque bloqueo.. las tablas.. es un tema bastante extenso
> que no puedo solucionar solo con un llave...
> Si alguien tiene algun documento o alguna referencia de control de
> concurrencia les agradezco.. Gracias.. de antemano..

"Linux is for people who hate Windows, BSD is for people who love UNIX".
"Social Engineer -> Because there is no patch for human stupidity"
"The Unix Guru's View of Sex unzip ; strip ; touch ; grep ; finger ;
mount ; fsck ; more ; yes ; umount ; sleep."
"Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good;
and when it is bad, it is better than nothing."
TIP 1: para suscribirte y desuscribirte, visita

[GENERAL] function cache effect still happening?

Hi everyone, a few months ago I was still using Postgresql 8.2 and had the problem described here: , that time I solved it using EXECUTE for all sentences accessing temporary tables. Right now I'm using 8.3,  the scenario is a little different but the problem is the same. I have many schemas with the same structure (tables, views and one trigger), and two functions in the public schema which insert and delete data from them, the INSERT and DELETE sentences are hard-coded. Every schema represents a store from the same company.

The idea is that just by changing the search_path value to something like "schema1,public", it's possible to execute the functions and to process data for any schema (one at a time). But the problem is here: through the client app, a user invokes one of these functions on a given schema (schema1), then requests a "store change", actually setting the search_path to use another schema (schema2) and again, executes any of the functions that access the schema tables, BUT the function seems to be still linked to the first schema, so new records are added to the wrong schema and delete operations don't find the right record. EXECUTE will save the day again, but I'd like to know if this is considered a known bug even when it was apparently fixed.


RV: RV: [pgsql-es-ayuda] Consulta Postgres 8.3

Muy bien. Anduvo ok. Tuve que modificar un poco el script bash, pero anduvo.
El único problema es que genera alguna incompatibilidad con el operador de
concatenación ||, pero también encontré la solución por internet.
Lo correcto hubiese sido cambiar los tipos y reestructurar la base, pero es
algo en producción y los programadores me matarían si tienen que revisar
todos los SQL.


-----Mensaje original-----
De: Gilberto Castillo Martínez []
Enviado el: Lunes, 26 de Mayo de 2008 12:55 p.m.
Para: Ana Smail
Asunto: Re: RV: [pgsql-es-ayuda] Consulta Postgres 8.3


Comentarme como te fue después de utilizar la información del enlace que nos

El lun, 26-05-2008 a las 11:49 -0300, Ana Smail escribió:
> Estoy viendo que otros estan teninedo estos problemas con la 8.3:
> ng-imp
> licit-casts-in-PostgreSQL-8.3.html
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: Gilberto Castillo Martínez []
> Enviado el: Lunes, 26 de Mayo de 2008 11:13 a.m.
> Para: Ana Smail
> CC:
> Asunto: Re: [pgsql-es-ayuda] Consulta Postgres 8.3
> Ana:
> No se tu caso, pero se me ocurre que si haces coincidir en tipo a
> ambos campo .... no tendrás que realizar cambio alguno.
> Si vuelves a analizar el diseño de tus datos ... quizás sea más
> factible esa idea.
> Gilberto.
> El lun, 26-05-2008 a las 09:57 -0300, Ana Smail escribió:
> > Les hago una consulta:
> > Tengo un query que en la versión 8.2 no necesitaba casteo de tipo y
> > ahora cuando cambio a la version 8.3 si lo necesita:
> > En la version 8.2:
> > SELECT *
> > FROM T1 d
> > WHERE d.campo1 NOT IN
> > (SELECT conf.campo2
> > FROM T2 conf
> > WHERE conf.nombre = 'Documentacion.EstadoArchivado'
> > OR conf.nombre = 'Documentacion.EstadoAcumulado')
> >
> > En la version 8.3:
> > SELECT *
> > FROM T1 d
> > WHERE d.campo1::character varying NOT IN (SELECT conf.campo2 FROM T2
> > conf WHERE conf.nombre = 'Documentacion.EstadoArchivado'
> > OR conf.nombre = 'Documentacion.EstadoAcumulado')
> >
> > Ya que campo1 es un integer y campo2 un character varying.
> > Pregunta: hay forma de no tener que cambiar todos los querys y que
> > los casteos sean automáticos?
> >
> > ANA
> >
> > --
> > TIP 5: ¿Has leído nuestro extenso FAQ?
> >
> >
> --
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG.
> Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.24.1/1466 - Release Date:
> 25/05/2008
> 06:49 p.m.
> --
> TIP 10: no uses HTML en tu pregunta, seguro que quien responda no
> podrá leerlo

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG.
Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.24.1/1466 - Release Date: 25/05/2008
06:49 p.m.

TIP 9: visita nuestro canal de IRC #postgresql-es en

Re: [BUGS] BUG #4196: Backend crash possible with psql

Oh, one other thing: if the theory about gettext delivering the "wrong"
encoding is correct, then the error messages going into the postmaster
log should be in WIN1252 encoding, rather than UTF8 which is the
intended behavior when server_encoding is UTF8. The log snippet in your
bug report was UTF8, but that might have gotten converted somewhere
along the line. Can you confirm which encoding is actually present in
the log file?

regards, tom lane

Sent via pgsql-bugs mailing list (
To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [BUGS] BUG #4196: Backend crash possible with psql

Hello, Tom,

Tom Lane schrieb:
> Yeah, that's what I think too. Specifically, we expect the gettext
> package to deliver translated error messages in the server_encoding,
> but it seems that's not what we're getting on Windows. Without having
> dug into the gettext code, I wonder whether it is looking at lc_ctype
> and thinking it should return WIN1252 strings.
> Another interesting question is how initdb allowed you to select the
> above combination of settings. 8.3 is supposed to enforce that
> server_encoding is the same as the encoding implied by lc_ctype,
> which is evidently not the case here.
Why shouldn't this be possible? It must be possible to store the data in
UTF-8, and of course, to use this a the server encoding. The characters
used should be collated by German and use the german upper/lower
conventions. Looks perfectly sane to me.
> I recall we were tinkering with
> that code before 8.3 release, but I guess it's still not right :-(
> regards, tom lane
With best regards,
Daniel Migowski

Sent via pgsql-bugs mailing list (
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Re: [pgsql-es-ayuda] Necesito orientacion en servidor postgresql en servidor DELL

Voy a provar con la configuracion que me pasaron de postgresql.conf.. y les dare noticias mas tarde.. espero que funcione..

Ahora respecto a porque bloqueo.. las tablas.. es un tema bastante extenso que no puedo solucionar solo con un llave...

Si alguien tiene algun documento o alguna referencia de control de concurrencia les agradezco.. Gracias.. de antemano..

Edwin Salguero C.

Re: [pgsql-es-ayuda] recomendacion para BD grande

2008/5/26 Gabriel Ferro <>:
> Aclarando que las tablas que les pase no estan completas ya que no estan
> algunos campos extras que estoy obligado a usar porque en realidad estoy
> pasando archivos XLS y DBF con distintas estructuras,tratando de unificar
> todos los padrones y otros datos que tenemos por todos lados
> Vamos por partes:
> -En efecto Nombre tiene los apellidos y los nombres, no me sirven de clave
> porque Martinez Pedro hay miles.
> -Lo de BD operativo no te entiendo, si te refieres a que si se usara o solo
> es experimental, si, la usaremos.
> -autoincrementable como clave: pienso que es mejor buscar usando las claves
> primarias y como las busquedas son por nombres o por documento (doc+tipodoc)
> use lo ultimo como clave ya que es irrepetible.
> - las otras tablas tienen clave al resumirlas no las puse, se las paso
> completas
> documento character varying(10) NOT NULL,
> tipodoc smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 13
> nombre character varying(200) NOT NULL,
> sexo character(1),
> datos character varying(255),
> fechanac timestamp without time zone,
> CONSTRAINT personas_pkey PRIMARY KEY (documento, tipodoc),
> CONSTRAINT personas_tipodoc_fkey FOREIGN KEY (tipodoc)
> REFERENCES analisis.docu (clave) MATCH SIMPLE
> codprov integer NOT NULL,
> coddpto integer NOT NULL,
> localidad character varying(200) NOT NULL,
> claveloc serial NOT NULL,
> CONSTRAINT localidades_pkey PRIMARY KEY (claveloc)
> coddpto integer NOT NULL,
> departamento character varying(50),
> codprov integer NOT NULL,
> CONSTRAINT departamentos_pkey PRIMARY KEY (codprov, coddpto),
> CONSTRAINT departamentos_codprov_fkey FOREIGN KEY (codprov)
> REFERENCES analisis.provincias (codprov) MATCH SIMPLE
> codprov smallint NOT NULL,
> provincia character varying(50),
> CONSTRAINT provincias_pkey PRIMARY KEY (codprov)
> documento character varying(10) NOT NULL,
> tipodoc smallint NOT NULL,
> claveloc integer NOT NULL
> CONSTRAINT personaloc_pkey PRIMARY KEY (tipodoc, documento,
> claveloc),
> CONSTRAINT personaloc_claveloc_fkey FOREIGN KEY (claveloc)
> REFERENCES analisis.localidades (claveloc) MATCH SIMPLE
> Saludos
> ________________________________
> Yahoo! Encuentros
> Ahora encontrar pareja es mucho más fácil, probá el nuevo Yahoo! Encuentros.
> Visitá

-En efecto Nombre tiene los apellidos y los nombres, no me sirven de clave
porque Martinez Pedro hay miles. --> En ningun caso mi propuesta
siquiera fue por ese lado (seria bastante poco amistoso de mi parte
tentar de darte una solucion de ese tipo)... solo era la duda porque
generalmente se sepraran para agilizar las busquedas ...

-autoincrementable como clave: pienso que es mejor buscar usando las
claves primarias y como las busquedas son por nombres o por documento
(doc+tipodoc) use lo ultimo como clave ya que es irrepetible. -->
Como ? buscaras solo por clave??? entiendo que las busqueda sobre esa
tabla seran por cualquier campo o sea nombre, sexo, edad etc... una
cosa son las busquedas y otra son los insert de datos, tal como te
comente al parecer PG tiene bastante optimizado el tema de calculo de
autoincrementables por lo que pasa a ser una buena tecnica para
administrar los tiempo de ingreso de datos...

- Respecto a si es una BD operativa me referia a que no estas
haciendo un DataWareHouse o DataMart era solo por eso...
Solo eso puedo aportarte por el momento yo me iria por el lado de
claves autoincrementables despues las busquedas las puedes optimizar
analizando colocando indices donde corresponda, etc etc...
Ahh y trata de separar tu campo nombre en el futuro puede evitarte
dolores de cabeza...

linux User #397972 on
TIP 7: no olvides aumentar la configuración del "free space map"

Re: [BUGS] BUG #4196: Backend crash possible with psql

Daniel Migowski <> writes:
> client_encoding: WIN1252
> server_encoding: UTF8
> lc_collate: German_Germany.1252
> lc_ctype: German_Germany.1252
> lc_messages: German_Germany

Thanks for the info --- we have been unable to get these values from
previous complainants, so this is a real help.

> Please let me know if you need more info. For me it looks like the
> server reads the localized error messages in system encoding (win1252),
> but assumes they are in utf8 in the server.

Yeah, that's what I think too. Specifically, we expect the gettext
package to deliver translated error messages in the server_encoding,
but it seems that's not what we're getting on Windows. Without having
dug into the gettext code, I wonder whether it is looking at lc_ctype
and thinking it should return WIN1252 strings.

Another interesting question is how initdb allowed you to select the
above combination of settings. 8.3 is supposed to enforce that
server_encoding is the same as the encoding implied by lc_ctype,
which is evidently not the case here. I recall we were tinkering with
that code before 8.3 release, but I guess it's still not right :-(

regards, tom lane

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Re: [pgsql-es-ayuda] recomendacion para BD grande

Aclarando que las tablas que les pase no estan completas ya que no estan algunos campos extras que estoy obligado a usar porque en realidad estoy pasando archivos XLS y DBF con distintas estructuras,tratando de unificar todos los padrones y otros datos que tenemos por todos lados
Vamos por partes:
-En efecto Nombre tiene los apellidos y los nombres, no me sirven de clave porque Martinez Pedro hay miles.
-Lo de BD operativo no te entiendo, si te refieres a que si se usara o solo es experimental, si, la usaremos.
-autoincrementable como clave: pienso que es mejor buscar usando las claves primarias y como las busquedas son por nombres o por documento (doc+tipodoc) use lo ultimo como clave ya que es irrepetible.
- las otras tablas tienen clave al resumirlas no las puse, se las paso completas

 documento character varying(10) NOT NULL,
  tipodoc smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 13
  nombre character varying(200) NOT NULL,
  sexo character(1),
  datos character varying(255),
  fechanac timestamp without time zone,
  CONSTRAINT personas_pkey PRIMARY KEY (documento, tipodoc),
  CONSTRAINT personas_tipodoc_fkey FOREIGN KEY (tipodoc)
      REFERENCES analisis.docu (clave) MATCH SIMPLE

codprov integer NOT NULL,
coddpto integer NOT NULL,
localidad character varying(200) NOT NULL,
claveloc serial NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT localidades_pkey PRIMARY KEY (claveloc)

coddpto integer NOT NULL,
departamento character varying(50),
 codprov integer NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT departamentos_pkey PRIMARY KEY (codprov, coddpto),
CONSTRAINT departamentos_codprov_fkey FOREIGN KEY (codprov)
      REFERENCES analisis.provincias (codprov) MATCH SIMPLE

 codprov smallint NOT NULL,
 provincia character varying(50),
 CONSTRAINT provincias_pkey PRIMARY KEY (codprov)

 documento character varying(10) NOT NULL,
  tipodoc smallint NOT NULL,
  claveloc integer NOT NULL
            CONSTRAINT personaloc_pkey PRIMARY KEY (tipodoc, documento, claveloc),
            CONSTRAINT personaloc_claveloc_fkey FOREIGN KEY (claveloc)
               REFERENCES analisis.localidades (claveloc) MATCH SIMPLE


Yahoo! Encuentros
Ahora encontrar pareja es mucho más fácil, probá el nuevo Yahoo! Encuentros.

Re: [BUGS] BUG #4196: Backend crash possible with psql

Hello Tom,

Tom Lane schrieb:
> Please show the values you are using for these database
> parameters:
> client_encoding
> server_encoding
> lc_collate
> lc_ctype
> lc_messages
client_encoding: WIN1252
server_encoding: UTF8
lc_collate: German_Germany.1252
lc_ctype: German_Germany.1252
lc_messages: German_Germany

Please let me know if you need more info. For me it looks like the
server reads the localized error messages in system encoding (win1252),
but assumes they are in utf8 in the server.

With best regards,
Daniel Migowski

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Re: [PERFORM] I/O on select count(*)

"Heikki Linnakangas" <> writes:
> Decibel! wrote:
>> Also, Simon and Tom had an idea at PGCon: Don't set hint-bits in the
>> back-end if the page isn't already dirty.

> Or even better: set the hint-bits, but don't dirty the page.

Which in fact is what Simon suggested, not the other thing.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [GENERAL] Using "ident sameuser" with Mac OS X Leopard


Damn, I'm so stupid. All it needed was a restart. A reload was not
enough. :( Sorry, guys.


Miguel Arroz

On 2008/05/26, at 16:17, Miguel Arroz wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm sorry for the long delay, I have been really busy here.
> Yes, it worked before. I was checking my server backups before
> upgrading to Leopard, and it was working with ident sameuser. On
> Leopard, with the exact same configuration, it doesn't.
> Leopard appears to support that, so I believe it's a Postgresql bug.
> Yours
> Miguel Arroz
> On 2008/05/19, at 21:38, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Miguel Arroz <> writes:
>>> I can't seem to make the "ident sameuser" authentication method
>>> work on Mac OS X Leopard (or "ident" with a specified mapping). It
>>> seems Apple removed identd from the system, I can't find it and
>>> nothing is listening on port 113. Any ideia how to make this work on
>>> Leopard?
>> You sure it worked before? I don't see much sign of identd on Tiger
>> either.
>> I believe Darwin supports ident-over-unix-sockets, for which you
>> don't need an ident daemon.
>> regards, tom lane
>> --
>> Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
>> To make changes to your subscription:
> - Asking for you
> - Asking for you

Re: [pgsql-es-ayuda] recomendacion para BD grande

On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 4:17 PM, Javier Chávez B. <> wrote:
> Gabriel:
> Dajas el campo nombre como uno solo me refiero contendra nombres y
> apellidos??? por otro lado estamos hablando de una BD a nivel
> operativo ??? finalmente no es mejor tener un campo autoincrementable
> como clave primaria ?? segun lo que me comento alvaro hace un tiempo
> PG es bastante eficiente en administrar ese tipo de campos y aumentas
> de paso el desempeño ...
> ademas dejarias tu tabla solo con una clave primaria.
> Que contiene el campo datos??? y las otras tablas porque no tiene
> Clave primaria???
> Slds.
> 2008/5/26 Gabriel Ferro <>:
>> Maestros, tengo una BD de personas y esta puede ser muy grande (millones de
>> entradas). he construido las siguientes tablas
>> documento character varying(10) NOT NULL,
>> tipodoc smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 13
>> nombre character varying(200) NOT NULL,
>> sexo character(1),
>> datos character varying(255),
>> fechanac timestamp without time zone,
>> CONSTRAINT personas_pkey PRIMARY KEY (documento, tipodoc)
>> codprov integer NOT NULL,
>> coddpto integer NOT NULL,
>> localidad character varying(200) NOT NULL,
>> claveloc serial NOT NULL
>> coddpto integer NOT NULL,
>> departamento character varying(50),
>> codprov integer NOT NULL
>> codprov smallint NOT NULL,
>> provincia character varying(50),
>> documento character varying(10) NOT NULL,
>> tipodoc smallint NOT NULL,
>> claveloc integer NOT NULL
>> les parece que es bueno tenerlo asi, o habria que buscar otra forma para que
>> no se atoren las consultas?
>> ________________________________
>> Yahoo! Deportes Beta
>> ¡No te pierdas lo último sobre el torneo clausura 2008!
>> Enterate aquí
> --
> ----------------------
> Slds.
> jchavez
> linux User #397972 on

linux User #397972 on

Disculpen por el TOP POSTING se me paso!!! estaba distraido!!
TIP 3: Si encontraste la respuesta a tu problema, publícala, otros te lo agradecerán

Re: [GENERAL] Using "ident sameuser" with Mac OS X Leopard


I'm sorry for the long delay, I have been really busy here.

Yes, it worked before. I was checking my server backups before
upgrading to Leopard, and it was working with ident sameuser. On
Leopard, with the exact same configuration, it doesn't.

Leopard appears to support that, so I believe it's a Postgresql bug.


Miguel Arroz

On 2008/05/19, at 21:38, Tom Lane wrote:

> Miguel Arroz <> writes:
>> I can't seem to make the "ident sameuser" authentication method
>> work on Mac OS X Leopard (or "ident" with a specified mapping). It
>> seems Apple removed identd from the system, I can't find it and
>> nothing is listening on port 113. Any ideia how to make this work on
>> Leopard?
> You sure it worked before? I don't see much sign of identd on Tiger
> either.
> I believe Darwin supports ident-over-unix-sockets, for which you
> don't need an ident daemon.
> regards, tom lane
> --
> Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
> To make changes to your subscription:
> - Asking for you

Re: [pgsql-es-ayuda] recomendacion para BD grande

Dajas el campo nombre como uno solo me refiero contendra nombres y
apellidos??? por otro lado estamos hablando de una BD a nivel
operativo ??? finalmente no es mejor tener un campo autoincrementable
como clave primaria ?? segun lo que me comento alvaro hace un tiempo
PG es bastante eficiente en administrar ese tipo de campos y aumentas
de paso el desempeño ...
ademas dejarias tu tabla solo con una clave primaria.
Que contiene el campo datos??? y las otras tablas porque no tiene
Clave primaria???

2008/5/26 Gabriel Ferro <>:
> Maestros, tengo una BD de personas y esta puede ser muy grande (millones de
> entradas). he construido las siguientes tablas
> documento character varying(10) NOT NULL,
> tipodoc smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 13
> nombre character varying(200) NOT NULL,
> sexo character(1),
> datos character varying(255),
> fechanac timestamp without time zone,
> CONSTRAINT personas_pkey PRIMARY KEY (documento, tipodoc)
> codprov integer NOT NULL,
> coddpto integer NOT NULL,
> localidad character varying(200) NOT NULL,
> claveloc serial NOT NULL
> coddpto integer NOT NULL,
> departamento character varying(50),
> codprov integer NOT NULL
> codprov smallint NOT NULL,
> provincia character varying(50),
> documento character varying(10) NOT NULL,
> tipodoc smallint NOT NULL,
> claveloc integer NOT NULL
> les parece que es bueno tenerlo asi, o habria que buscar otra forma para que
> no se atoren las consultas?
> ________________________________
> Yahoo! Deportes Beta
> ¡No te pierdas lo último sobre el torneo clausura 2008!
> Enterate aquí

linux User #397972 on
TIP 3: Si encontraste la respuesta a tu problema, publícala, otros te lo agradecerán

Re: [BUGS] BUG #4196: Backend crash possible with psql

"Daniel Mihowski" <> writes:
> Description: Backend crash possible with psql

We've seen several similar reports, but the conditions that cause it are
not clear. Please show the values you are using for these database

regards, tom lane

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Re: [PERFORM] Symbolic Links to Tablespaces

"Campbell, Lance" <> writes:
> I have started to define tablespaces on different disks. Is there any
> performance issues related to referencing tablespaces on different disks
> with symbolic links? By using symbolic links to tablespaces can I then
> stop the database and move a particular tablespace from one location to
> another without causing a problem? This would seem to give a lot of
> flexibility to the location of tablespaces.

A tablespace already is a symbolic link --- read

Putting another one into the path will eat cycles and doesn't seem like
it could buy anything.

regards, tom lane

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[lapug] Provisions for Audio-Recording

Selena asked that record this months LAPUG meeting.

Does anyone have any equipment that they would like to volunteer to
assist? If not, I think I have a 5$ desktop mic and a laptop with
auto recording software.

Richard Broersma Jr.

Visit the Los Angles PostgreSQL Users Group (LAPUG)

Sent via lapug mailing list (
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[pgsql-es-ayuda] recomendacion para BD grande

Maestros, tengo una BD de personas y esta puede ser muy grande (millones de entradas). he construido las siguientes tablas
 documento character varying(10) NOT NULL,
  tipodoc smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 13
  nombre character varying(200) NOT NULL,
  sexo character(1),
  datos character varying(255),
  fechanac timestamp without time zone,
  CONSTRAINT personas_pkey PRIMARY KEY (documento, tipodoc)

codprov integer NOT NULL,
coddpto integer NOT NULL,
localidad character varying(200) NOT NULL,
claveloc serial NOT NULL

coddpto integer NOT NULL,
departamento character varying(50),
 codprov integer NOT NULL

 codprov smallint NOT NULL,
  provincia character varying(50),

 documento character varying(10) NOT NULL,
  tipodoc smallint NOT NULL,
  claveloc integer NOT NULL

les parece que es bueno tenerlo asi, o habria que buscar otra forma para que no se atoren las consultas?

Yahoo! Deportes Beta
¡No te pierdas lo último sobre el torneo clausura 2008!
Enterate aquí

Re: [pgsql-es-ayuda] almacenar en bd o no?

--- El lun 26-may-08, Crispin T. <> escribió:
De: Crispin T. <>
Asunto: [pgsql-es-ayuda] almacenar en bd o no?
Fecha: lunes, 26 mayo, 2008, 1:29 am

hola tengo un problema resulta que tengo un sistema en java con bd postgres 8.2 y todo me va de maravilla pero empieza a preocuparme un asunto, resulta que por performance y por no cargar demasiado la bd no almacene las fotos de unos inmuebles en al bd pero me resulta complicado al momento de hacer backups ya que las imagenes las agarro como archivos y pues copiar varios archivos y restaurar varios archivos ademas de los datos de la bd se me hace mucho trabajo y mucho tiempo pero no me anime a almacenarlos en un tipo oid porque por cada inmueble se manejan alrededor de 30 fotos png de 600x500 aproximadamente, ademas que antes el sistema hera monolitoco (corria en una unica pc) pero ahora el negocio crecio y se necesita que corra en una lan y bueno nose como hacer que una aplicación java cargue archivos que estan en otra pc (no veo seguro compartir la carpeta de los archivos) y me estoy animando a guardar las imagenes en la bd

dados los casos ¿que harian ustedes en este caso?
en el caso de sugerirme que guarde las imagenes en la bd ¿hay forma de sacar backup's de solo algunas tablas?
en caso de no guardar en la bd las imagenes ¿que solucion me sugieren para cargar imagenes desde otra pc(sin compartir la carpeta)?


Solo alcanzaras el conocimiento conociendo la ignorancia.
<<Pronto mi nuevo blog>>

Carlos Márquez

--- El lun 26-may-08, Crispin T. <> escribió:
De: Crispin T. <>
Asunto: [pgsql-es-ayuda] almacenar en bd o no?
Fecha: lunes, 26 mayo, 2008, 1:29 am

hola tengo un problema resulta que tengo un sistema en java con bd postgres 8.2 y todo me va de maravilla pero empieza a preocuparme un asunto, resulta que por performance y por no cargar demasiado la bd no almacene las fotos de unos inmuebles en al bd pero me resulta complicado al momento de hacer backups ya que las imagenes las agarro como archivos y pues copiar varios archivos y restaurar varios archivos ademas de los datos de la bd se me hace mucho trabajo y mucho tiempo pero no me anime a almacenarlos en un tipo oid porque por cada inmueble se manejan alrededor de 30 fotos png de 600x500 aproximadamente, ademas que antes el sistema hera monolitoco (corria en una unica pc) pero ahora el negocio crecio y se necesita que corra en una lan y bueno nose como hacer que una aplicación java cargue archivos que estan en otra pc (no veo seguro compartir la carpeta de los archivos) y me estoy animando a guardar las imagenes en la bd

dados los casos ¿que harian ustedes en este caso?
en el caso de sugerirme que guarde las imagenes en la bd ¿hay forma de sacar backup's de solo algunas tablas?
en caso de no guardar en la bd las imagenes ¿que solucion me sugieren para cargar imagenes desde otra pc(sin compartir la carpeta)?


Solo alcanzaras el conocimiento conociendo la ignorancia.
<<Pronto mi nuevo blog>>

Yo he tenido ese problema

He optado por tener archivos (sean estos imágenes o documentos) dentro de la BD.

Con los tipo "lo" tuve problemas porque las funciones lo_unlink(blb_archivo), lo_export(blb_archivo, s_ruta) y lo_import(s_ruta) solo funcionan en el servidor, es decir tu sistema debiera funcionar en la PC donde corre la BD. no me pareció adecuado y todavía no se para que serviría esto, si alguno de los expertos (en esta lista hay varios) pudiera hacer llegar algún dato al respecto seria magnifico.

AL final opte por usar el tipo bytea, yo programo con Power Builder, y utilice funciones propias de este lenguaje para convertir el archivo a este formato.

Para mostrarlo debo convertirlo a archivo nuevamente y colocarlo en un objeto OLE, pero esto es una particularidad de este lenguaje. En JAVA tengo entendido, (por allí he leido) que existen funciones que convierten archivos a bytea y viceversa, el asunto seria que averigües como mostrarlos.

Quiza el JAVA si pueda mostar el campo bytea, en todo caso deberas bajar el archivo (en la PC cliente) para mostarlo.

Carlos Márquez

Yahoo! Deportes Beta
¡No te pierdas lo último sobre el torneo clausura 2008!
Entérate aquí

Re: [PERFORM] "Big O" notation for postgres?

Gregory Stark wrote:
> "Richard Huxton" <> writes:
>> Jonah H. Harris wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 10:10 AM, H. Hall wrote:
>>>> Does anyone know if there is a source that provides "Big O" notation for
>>>> postgres's aggregate functions and operations? For example is count(*) =
>>>> O(1) or O(n)?
>>> I don't know of any document containing the complexity of each
>>> aggregate, but it's sometimes left as a comment in the souce code.
>> Recent max() and min() can be O(n) or O(1) depending on the where-clause and
>> presence of an index too, just to muddy the waters.
When I first read the above from Jonah I just assumed some Postgres
magic was producing O(1). After seeing this again, I believe that
Postgres must be doing something like the following for max and min:

Thus Jonah's caveat about using an index. If postgres is using an index
as in the above then the Max and Min functions would both be O(log N) ,
this is log base2 of N, which is the time it takes to search a balanced
binary tree, not O(1) which implies a constant time to perform,
regardless of the size of the dataset N.

> Hm, true. But excluding those special cases all Postgres aggregate functions
> will be O(n) unless they're doing something very odd. None of the built-in
> functions (except min/max as noted) do anything odd like that.
> The reason way is because of the basic design of Postgres aggregate functions.
> They are fed every tuple one by one and have to keep their state in a single
> variable. Most of the aggregate functions like count(*) etc just keep a static
> non-growing state and the state transition function is a simple arithmetic
> operation which is O(1). So the resulting operation is O(n).
> Actually one exception would be something like
> CREATE AGGREGATE array_agg(anyelement) (SFUNC = array_append, STYPE = anyarray, INITCOND='{}');
> Since the state variable has to keep accumulating more and more stuff the
> array_append becomes more and more expensive (it has to generate a new array
> so it has to copy the existing stuff). So actually it woul dbe O(n^2).
> The only builtin aggregate which looks like it falls in this category would be
> xmlagg()
Functions with O(N^2) scale very badly of course.

It would be very handy if the Planner could kick out Big O with its
estimates. This would allow one to quickly tell how a query scales with
a large number of rows.


H. Hall
ReedyRiver Group LLC

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #4199: Can't connecto to server with pgAdmin after installation

On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 11:23 AM, Nikolay Komarov <> wrote:
> The following bug has been logged online:
> Bug reference: 4199
> Logged by: Nikolay Komarov
> Email address:
> PostgreSQL version: 8.2.7
> Operating system: Windows Vista Home Premium Russian
> Description: Can't connecto to server with pgAdmin after installation
> Details:
> Just installed the Postgre, launched pgAdmin III, try to connect to the
> localhost server with a proper password, receive error messages:
> FATAL: cannot open the logfile!
> and the other one:
> can't open file
> c:\Users\Николай\AppData\Roaming\postgresql\pgpass.conf (error 3:
> system cannon find path specified)
> after showing this, Vista closes pgAdmin III reporting that it made an
> error.
> I tried to launch pgAdmin without AND with admin privileges - same result.

Please test pgAdmin 1.8.2. There were some bug fixes in this area.

Dave Page
EnterpriseDB UK:

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[lapug] Food for May's LAPUG Meeting

Would anyone(s) like to volunteer buying and bring food for this
Friday's Pug meeting at Cal Poly? If not, I can look for something
local to pickup (I will make sure the pizza doens't have clams in the
shell this time :-) ).

I expect we will have about 6-7 PUGers.
Moo, how many CS students to you expect to show up?

Richard Broersma Jr.

Visit the Los Angles PostgreSQL Users Group (LAPUG)

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #4198: The bugreport form has an encoding problem

On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 10:01 AM, Daniel Migowski <> wrote:
> The following bug has been logged online:
> Bug reference: 4198
> Logged by: Daniel Migowski
> Email address:
> PostgreSQL version: n/a
> Operating system: Windows XP
> Description: The bugreport form has an encoding problem
> Details:
> Entered Umlauts aren't correctly received by your script responsible for the
> form at:
> This might be a problem for entering encoding related problems, which i
> tried to do a few minutes ago.
> The Input I pasted had in fact nice umlauts displayed, but the response
> email from you showed them as 2-char-ASCII representation of the UTF-8 char.

Looks OK for me, but maybe Gmail is fixing it up.

Dave Page
EnterpriseDB UK:

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Re: [HACKERS] Read Uncommitted

Am Montag, 26. Mai 2008 schrieb Simon Riggs:
> At the moment, a long running SQL Statement can prevent xmin moving
> forward, which can result in VACUUM and HOT not being able to remove row
> versions effectively. My proposal is that a Read Uncommitted transaction
> would not prevent row removal, which then offers no guarantee that the
> "correct" answer would be returned. Which is *exactly* what that
> transaction isolation level was designed for.
> In many cases, an application designer may be able to tell that a
> particular query will always return the correct answer. For example, we
> may query against data which is known not to change, even though other
> data in the same database cluster may be subject to frequent change.
> e.g. queries against large insert-only tables.

If the data in a table never changes, why would VACUUM or HOT need to touch
it? The use case isn't clear to me.

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[GENERAL] PostgreSQL full text vs. MySQL

Hey all,

I have been a MySQL user for a number of years,
but just read about PostgreSQL version 8.3 and was
especially intrigued and interested in the full
text search implementation using lexemes.

I'm currently doing the specs for a PHP app that
will involve up to the millions records to search,
and it will need full text capability.

I am wondering if I could get some opinions on
PostgreSQL's full text versus MySQL's and
specifically I have not been able to find
documentation that MySQL supports lexeme type full
text, able to locate root words the way PostgreSQL
8.3 does.

Is this the case? I could certainly justify the
switch to PostgreSQL if I can make a solid case to
the client for doing so.

I realize this is a PostgreSQL list, so let's try
to be fair ;)

Skip Evans
Big Sky Penguin, LLC
503 S Baldwin St, #1
Madison, WI 53703
Check out PHPenguin, a lightweight and versatile
PHP/MySQL, AJAX & DHTML development framework.

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RV: [pgsql-es-ayuda] Consulta Postgres 8.3

Estoy viendo que otros estan teninedo estos problemas con la 8.3:

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Gilberto Castillo Martínez []
Enviado el: Lunes, 26 de Mayo de 2008 11:13 a.m.
Para: Ana Smail
Asunto: Re: [pgsql-es-ayuda] Consulta Postgres 8.3


No se tu caso, pero se me ocurre que si haces coincidir en tipo a ambos
campo .... no tendrás que realizar cambio alguno.

Si vuelves a analizar el diseño de tus datos ... quizás sea más factible esa


El lun, 26-05-2008 a las 09:57 -0300, Ana Smail escribió:
> Les hago una consulta:
> Tengo un query que en la versión 8.2 no necesitaba casteo de tipo y
> ahora cuando cambio a la version 8.3 si lo necesita:
> En la version 8.2:
> FROM T1 d
> WHERE d.campo1 NOT IN
> (SELECT conf.campo2
> FROM T2 conf
> WHERE conf.nombre = 'Documentacion.EstadoArchivado'
> OR conf.nombre = 'Documentacion.EstadoAcumulado')
> En la version 8.3:
> FROM T1 d
> WHERE d.campo1::character varying NOT IN (SELECT conf.campo2 FROM T2
> conf WHERE conf.nombre = 'Documentacion.EstadoArchivado'
> OR conf.nombre = 'Documentacion.EstadoAcumulado')
> Ya que campo1 es un integer y campo2 un character varying.
> Pregunta: hay forma de no tener que cambiar todos los querys y que los
> casteos sean automáticos?
> --
> TIP 5: ¿Has leído nuestro extenso FAQ?

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG.
Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.24.1/1466 - Release Date: 25/05/2008
06:49 p.m.

TIP 10: no uses HTML en tu pregunta, seguro que quien responda no podrá leerlo

Re: [GENERAL] Optimzing Postgresql

On Sat, May 24, 2008 at 12:57 PM, Ram Ravichandran <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am deciding between MySQL and Postgres. I'm leaning towards Postgres
> mainly due the widely publicized speed when using transactions. However, I
> am not able to find any good books / resources for tuning/ optimizing the
> database. Is there a book like "High Performance MySQL" for Postgres that
> teaches what the different parameters are and how to tune them?
> Or do most techniques covered in the High Performance Mysql apply to
> Postgres too?

Aside from all the really good advice you've received so far, another
vital step is running the latest version of pgsql. 8.3 has a lot of
improvements, and look for 8.4 to be the same way.

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Re: [GENERAL] editing functions/triggers etc..

On Monday 26 May 2008 02:17:59 am Niklas Johansson wrote:
> On 24 maj 2008, at 17.03, john wrote:
> > I was wondering if anyone has written a tool that will drop
> > (cascade) then
> > allow the edit and then restore the functions/triggers including
> > the adding
> > the function/triggers to the inserts/deletes/etc.. to the tables.
> Just use
> CREATE OR REPLACE your_trigger_function() RETURNS TRIGGER AS ...
> to replace the trigger function in place.
> Sincerely,
> Niklas Johansson

I'm away at the moment but that thanks it looks to be the solution. Do I feel

John Fabiani

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Re: [pgsql-es-ayuda] Necesito orientacion en servidor postgresql en servidor DELL


> [1]:
> [2]:

Los links que enviaste hablan de PC's (Personal Computers) y no
Servers. La alianza con ubuntu es solo con un rango de productos
orientado a usuarios de hogar, y justamente los servers quedan fuera
de ese rango.

Dell, cuando de servers se trata y hasta donde entiendo, ofrece
licencias Windows Server, Suse, y Red Hat ES tambien.

Guido Barosio
TIP 3: Si encontraste la respuesta a tu problema, publícala, otros te lo agradecerán

Re: [pgsql-es-ayuda] Consulta Postgres 8.3


No se tu caso, pero se me ocurre que si haces coincidir en tipo a ambos
campo .... no tendrás que realizar cambio alguno.

Si vuelves a analizar el diseño de tus datos ... quizás sea más factible
esa idea.


El lun, 26-05-2008 a las 09:57 -0300, Ana Smail escribió:
> Les hago una consulta:
> Tengo un query que en la versión 8.2 no necesitaba casteo de tipo y ahora
> cuando cambio a la version 8.3 si lo necesita:
> En la version 8.2:
> FROM T1 d
> WHERE d.campo1 NOT IN
> (SELECT conf.campo2
> FROM T2 conf
> WHERE conf.nombre = 'Documentacion.EstadoArchivado'
> OR conf.nombre = 'Documentacion.EstadoAcumulado')
> En la version 8.3:
> FROM T1 d
> WHERE d.campo1::character varying NOT IN
> (SELECT conf.campo2
> FROM T2 conf
> WHERE conf.nombre = 'Documentacion.EstadoArchivado'
> OR conf.nombre = 'Documentacion.EstadoAcumulado')
> Ya que campo1 es un integer y campo2 un character varying.
> Pregunta: hay forma de no tener que cambiar todos los querys y que los
> casteos sean automáticos?
> --
> TIP 5: ¿Has leído nuestro extenso FAQ?

TIP 4: No hagas 'kill -9' a postmaster

[PERFORM] Symbolic Links to Tablespaces

PostgreSQL: 8.2.X

OS: Red Hat Linux 4.X


I have started to define tablespaces on different disks.  Is there any performance issues related to referencing tablespaces on different disks with symbolic links?  By using symbolic links to tablespaces can I then stop the database and move a particular tablespace from one location to another without causing a problem?  This would seem to give a lot of flexibility to the location of tablespaces. 





Lance Campbell

Project Manager/Software Architect

Web Services at Public Affairs

University of Illinois


My e-mail address has changed to


[pgsql-es-ayuda] end


[HACKERS] Help with new contrib

I have worked on a project and on my free time I made a port of a
specific metaphone algorithm, adapted for Brazilian portuguese. I used
mainly the code presented in contrib/fuzzystr/dmetaphone.c to make the
postgresql interface.
So, I question if here is the best place for such contribution and
which license should use, or I can just keep the previous one (Perl's

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[BUGS] BUG #4199: Can't connecto to server with pgAdmin after installation

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference: 4199
Logged by: Nikolay Komarov
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 8.2.7
Operating system: Windows Vista Home Premium Russian
Description: Can't connecto to server with pgAdmin after installation

Just installed the Postgre, launched pgAdmin III, try to connect to the
localhost server with a proper password, receive error messages:

FATAL: cannot open the logfile!

and the other one:

can't open file
c:\Users\Николай\AppData\Roaming\postgresql\pgpass.conf (error 3:
system cannon find path specified)

after showing this, Vista closes pgAdmin III reporting that it made an

I tried to launch pgAdmin without AND with admin privileges - same result.

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[BUGS] BUG #4198: The bugreport form has an encoding problem

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference: 4198
Logged by: Daniel Migowski
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: n/a
Operating system: Windows XP
Description: The bugreport form has an encoding problem

Entered Umlauts aren't correctly received by your script responsible for the
form at:

This might be a problem for entering encoding related problems, which i
tried to do a few minutes ago.

The Input I pasted had in fact nice umlauts displayed, but the response
email from you showed them as 2-char-ASCII representation of the UTF-8 char.

With best regards,
Daniel Migowski

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[BUGS] BUG #4197: Unsubscribe to the mailing list

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference: 4197
Logged by: Yoann
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 8.2
Operating system: Windows
Description: Unsubscribe to the mailing list


I would like to Unsubscribe to the mailing list but i have a problem about
my mail.
I had modify my mail in and i can receive my mail in and but i can't send a mail
with my last mail When i send a mail with you don't know this mail

Can you help me?
Thank you

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[BUGS] BUG #4196: Backend crash possible with psql

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference: 4196
Logged by: Daniel Mihowski
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 8.3.1
Operating system: Windows XP
Description: Backend crash possible with psql

Hello, dear developers. When accessing the local postgresql server with
PGAdmin, it closes abnormally. This is my psql window:

Passwort f³r Benutzer postgres:
Dies ist psql 8.3.1, das interaktive PostgreSQL-Terminal.

Geben Sie ein: \copyright für Urheberrechtsinformationen
\h für Hilfe über SQL-Anweisungen
\? für Hilfe über interne Anweisungen
\g oder Semikolon, um eine Anfrage auszuführen
\q um zu beenden

Warnung: Konsolencodeseite (850) unterscheidet sich von der Windows-
Codeseite (1252). 8-Bit-Zeichen funktionieren möglicherweise
richtig. Einzelheiten finden Sie auf der psql-Handbuchseite unter
»Notes for Windows users«.

postgres=# \set
PROMPT1 = '%/%R%# '
PROMPT2 = '%/%R%# '
PROMPT3 = '>> '
VERBOSITY = 'default'
VERSION = 'PostgreSQL 8.3.1, compiled by Visual C++ build 1400'
DBNAME = 'postgres'
USER = 'postgres'
HOST = 'localhost'
PORT = '5434'
postgres=# select blah;

After entering the last line, the postgres.exe process crashes. These are
the last lines of the logfile:

2008-05-26 10:29:20 CEST LOG: Anweisung: select blah;
2008-05-26 10:29:20 CEST FEHLER: Spalte »blah« existiert nicht bei
Zeichen 8
2008-05-26 10:29:20 CEST ANWEISUNG: select blah;
2008-05-26 10:29:20 CEST FEHLER: ungültige Byte-Sequenz für Kodierung
»UTF8«: 0xbb
2008-05-26 10:29:20 CEST TIPP: Dieser Fehler kann auch auftreten, wenn die
Bytesequenz nicht mit der Kodierung übereinstimmt, die der Server erwartet,
welche durch »client_encoding« bestimmt wird.
2008-05-26 10:29:20 CEST ANWEISUNG: select blah;
2008-05-26 10:29:20 CEST FEHLER: ungültige Byte-Sequenz für Kodierung
»UTF8«: 0xfc
2008-05-26 10:29:20 CEST TIPP: Dieser Fehler kann auch auftreten, wenn die
Bytesequenz nicht mit der Kodierung übereinstimmt, die der Server erwartet,
welche durch »client_encoding« bestimmt wird.
2008-05-26 10:29:20 CEST FEHLER: ungültige Byte-Sequenz für Kodierung
»UTF8«: 0xfc
2008-05-26 10:29:20 CEST TIPP: Dieser Fehler kann auch auftreten, wenn die
Bytesequenz nicht mit der Kodierung übereinstimmt, die der Server erwartet,
welche durch »client_encoding« bestimmt wird.
2008-05-26 10:29:20 CEST FEHLER: ungültige Byte-Sequenz für Kodierung
»UTF8«: 0xfc
2008-05-26 10:29:20 CEST TIPP: Dieser Fehler kann auch auftreten, wenn die
Bytesequenz nicht mit der Kodierung übereinstimmt, die der Server erwartet,
welche durch »client_encoding« bestimmt wird.
2008-05-26 10:29:20 CEST PANIK: ERRORDATA_STACK_SIZE exceeded

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual
Please contact the application's support team for more information.

Since it looks like some encoding problem, the following information might
be heldful, too: My windows version is a German one, and the backend was
initialized with a german locale, sort order, etc.

With best regards,
Daniel Migowski

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