Existe mucha diferencia entre uno y otro, yo tuve una situación
similar y resolví todos mis problemas con un VPS ya que tenia el
control del server. Puedes instalar la versión que necesites y tienes
el control total de tus bd´s.
Ricardo Granados
2008/5/25 Luis Alberto Vargas Miranda <luis.vargasm@hotmail.com>:
> Estimados
> Actualmente estoy en un Proyecto para un Cliente, el cual no tiene un
> Servidor, y debido a que la aplicación que desarrollaremos está en PHP, este
> Cliente optó por alquilar un Hosting. Este Hosting es el tipico que se
> contrata para webs. Bueno el tema despues de instalar Postgres, deseo
> conectarme desde PgAdmin y me da el siguiente error que aun no he podido
> solucionar:
> Access to database denied
> The server doesn't grant access to the database: the server reports
> FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "ats_postgres",
> database "postgres", SSL off
> To access a database on a PostgreSQL server, you first have to grant primary
> access to the server for your client (Host Based Authentication). PostgreSQL
> will check the pg_hba.conf file if a pattern that matches your client
> address / username / database is present and enabled before any SQL GRANT
> access control lists are evaluated.
> The initial settings in pg_hba.conf are quite restrictive, in order to avoid
> unwanted security holes caused by unreviewed but mandatory system settings.
> You'll probably want to add something like
> host all all md5
> This example grants MD5 encrypted password access to all databases to all
> users on the private network
> You can use the pg_hba.conf editor that is built into pgAdmin III to edit
> the pg_hba.conf configuration file. After changing pg_hba.conf, you need to
> trigger a server configuration reload using pg_ctl or by stopping and
> restarting the server process.
> Gracias de antemano! Saludos!
> Atentamente
> Luis Alberto Vargas Miranda
> ----------------------------------------------
> luis.vargasm@hotmail.com
> (51) (54) - 9690757 (Movistar)
> (51) (54) - 9122312 (Claro)
> (51) (1) - 94001131 (Nextel)
> (51*400*1131) (Nextel Conexión Directa)
> ----------------------------------------------
> ________________________________
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Ing. Ricardo Granados Tiznado
Solar Grupo Industrial, S.A. de C.V.
Mazatlan, Sinaloa, México.
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