Saturday, June 7, 2008

Re: [GENERAL] Extracting data from deprecated MONEY fields


Tino Wildenhain wrote:
> Hi,
> Shane Ambler wrote:
> ...
>> I think the steps Joshua is referring to are -
>> 1. pg_dump -t mytable_with_money mydb > mytable_backup.sql
>> 2. edit table definition in backup file to use numeric
>> 3. remove $ and , from money column data
>> 4. DROP TABLE mytable_with_money
>> 5. psql < mytable_backup.sql
>> While the data is in a text file regex tasks to remove the money
>> formatting become a lot simpler.
> to_char() and back to numeric shouldn't be a problem within the database
> and we have regex too if anything fails. I don't think you need to
> dump and edit the dump to achive that.

Ah sorry forget that... neither to_char nor cast to text works. Really a
horrible datatype :(


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