Saturday, May 24, 2008

Re: [GENERAL] Optimzing Postgresql

Ram Ravichandran wrote:
> Hi,
> I am deciding between MySQL and Postgres. I'm leaning towards Postgres
> mainly due the widely publicized speed when using transactions.
Everything except for a couple of actions in Postgresql are wrapped in
transactions and can be rollback, you can not turn it off like in MySQL.
> However, I am not able to find any good books / resources for tuning/
> optimizing the database. Is there a book like "High Performance MySQL"
> for Postgres that teaches what the different parameters are and how to
> tune them?
> Or do most techniques covered in the High Performance Mysql apply to
> Postgres too?
I can not comment on a book i have never read so i have no idea what is
between the cover of said book. I don't know if it is specific to MySQL
or is general enough to apply to all databases. I would think the book
is specific to MySQL.

Tunning Postgresql performance is really quit painless just very time
Greg Smith has written allot stuff that covers the parameters in postgresql

Here's another resource.

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