> "Jay" <arrival123@gmail.com> writes:
>> I have a table named table_Users:
>> CREATE TABLE table_Users (
>> UserID character(40) NOT NULL default '',
>> Username varchar(256) NOT NULL default '',
>> Email varchar(256) NOT NULL default ''
>> etc...
>> );
>> The UserID is a character(40) and is generated using UUID function.
>> We
>> started making making other tables and ended up not really using
>> UserID, but instead using Username as the unique identifier for the
>> other tables. Now, we pass and insert the Username to for
>> discussions,
>> wikis, etc, for all the modules we have developed. I was wondering if
>> it would be a performance improvement to use the 40 Character UserID
>> instead of Username when querying the other tables, or if we should
>> change the UserID to a serial value and use that to query the other
>> tables. Or just keep the way things are because it doesn't really
>> make
>> much a difference.
> Username would not be any slower than UserID unless you have a lot of
> usernames longer than 40 characters.
> However making UserID an integer would be quite a bit more
> efficient. It would
> take 4 bytes instead of as the length of the Username which adds up
> when it's
> in all your other tables... Also internationalized text collations
> are quite a
> bit more expensive than a simple integer comparison.
> But the real question here is what's the better design. If you use
> Username
> you'll be cursing if you ever want to provide a facility to allow
> people to
> change their usernames. You may not want such a facility now but one
> day...
If you generate UUID's with the UUID function and you are on 8.3,
why not use the UUID type to store it?
> --
> Gregory Stark
> EnterpriseDB http://www.enterprisedb.com
> Ask me about EnterpriseDB's On-Demand Production Tuning
> --
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Ries van Twisk
tags: Freelance TYPO3 Glassfish JasperReports JasperETL Flex Blaze-DS
WebORB PostgreSQL DB-Architect
email: ries@vantwisk.nl
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