Monday, August 11, 2008

Re: [HACKERS] Question regarding the database page layout.

"Ryan Bradetich" <> writes:

> After a cursory glance at the HeapTupleHeaderData structure, it appears it
> could be aligned with INTALIGN instead of MAXALIGN. The one structure I was
> worried about was the 6 byte t_ctid structure. The comments in
> src/include/storage/itemptr.h file indicate the ItemPointerData structure is
> composed of 3 int16 fields. So everthing in the HeapTupleHeaderData
> structure is 32-bits or less.

Sure, but the tuple itself could contain something with double alignment. If
you have a bigint or double in the tuple then heap_form_tuple needs to know
where to put it so it ends up at right alignment.

Gregory Stark
Ask me about EnterpriseDB's Slony Replication support!

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