Friday, July 25, 2008

Re: [SQL] postgres time zone settings(time difference in Server and client)

Hai all,

   I have  database running on server. I am using python to run my application.postgres client is running on the clients .All clients are connected to a single database running on server. Each time application starts ,the login time is taken from server  using the query
"""select CAST ( timeofday() AS timestamp"""

But the problem the time which I got is different from that of server machine . I Think the postgres client is adding some values to the server time. How can I solve this .Is there any configuration setting for client to solve this?.In which location client's configuration file is stored( I am using Linux(Debian )?.

here the result I got:

The correct time in server:   2008-07-25 14:16:54

But What i got from client (with database cursor of sever database): 
   2008-07-25 19:46:33.46  (difference of more than 5 Hr ) Where this difference come?

any one know the answer pls help me.

Thanks in advance


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