Sunday, June 15, 2008

Re: [SQL] Results with leading zero

am Mon, dem 16.06.2008, um 11:48:01 +1000 mailte novice folgendes:
> I have a table
> CREATE TABLE problem (
> problem_id integer,
> solution_count integer
> );
> INSERT INTO problem VALUES (1001, 4);
> INSERT INTO problem VALUES (1012, 11);
> SELECT * from problem;
> problem_id | solution_count
> ------------+---------------
> 1001 | 4
> 1012 | 11
> (2 rows)
> Is there a way I could write a query to produce the following? I will
> need the leading zero for solution < 10
> problem_id | solution
> -------------+------------
> 1001 | 01
> 1001 | 02

My previous answer was a little bit wrong (no leading zero for solution
< 10), sorry. But no problem:

select problem_id, to_char(generate_Series(1,solution_count),'09') as solution_count from problem ;

Andreas Kretschmer
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