Sunday, June 15, 2008

Re: [pdxpug] Does anyone have a 5th generation iPod? or 3rd generation ipod, or ipod classic?

>>>>> "Selena" == Selena Deckelmann <> writes:

Selena> We would like the ipod to record our meeting :) Can you bring it?

If I wasn't going to be in Reno, sure. Although, my Zoom H2 is a far better
recorder, and I always have it with me. So, if you see my face, you're more
than welcome to ask me to record anything you want. If you see my face
thursday, you're probably hallucinating. :)

Which recorder do you have? I prefer the MicroMemo to the Belkin, because the
mike-on-a-boom gets it away from the iPod's drive motor, unlike the Belkin,
where in a quiet part of the talk I often hear the iPod drive.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
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