Friday, June 6, 2008

Re: [pgsql-www] Ask for Help on Improving the FreeBSD FAQ

> Oh I apologize :). PeterE is pretty much lead doc dude around here:

Thank you, I will also contact him, but I think he will got all these mails.

> But I might be able to help you as well. Do you have a specific are of
> interest besides the fact that we use Docbook?

Yes, I would like to know more about:
- how you do implement the user comments on your web pages,
- whether you do have any schedule for merging these comments,
- how you do build and mark up the different versions (e.g. static and
interactive per versions) of the documentation,
- whether you do have any project-specific modifications for DocBook
- what other tools you do use for creating documentation

Thank you for your answers in advance,

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