> Well, you can't see the default or reset values in pg_settings, only the
> current value. However, I fail to see the use of either of those for
> a configure wizard.
I'm under the impression that the primary reason to put the default in
there is to make it easier for a file generator program to be decoupled a
bit from the internal representation. Regardless, these values should be
exposed for tool writers. If you build a prototype interface for an
interactive settings changing tool, you quickly discover that showing the
default, range, and recommended setting are all valuable things people
would like to see when deciding what the change a setting to. And there's
no reason accumulating all that info should be the responsibility of a
tool writer when it's easy to expose and keep up to date inside the
database itself.
* Greg Smith gsmith@gregsmith.com http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD
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