> But there isn't any floss software actually being shipped right? License/code
> wise truviso and netezza are basically the same in that respect, even if
> technologically truviso values postgres compatability higher, but there is no
> floss distributing occuring, right?
It's complicated and not something I'm at liberty to discuss. Suffice it
to say that there's a large list of FLOSS credits for the software stack
that Truviso provides to customers. But a look at the web site will note
the lack of the usual "Download" tab for the world at large, and the exact
details of how the FLOSS software distributed fits together isn't public
info yet at this point.
Tell you any more I'd have to kill you, etc.
> Oh, I understand that, but I even with the other ways, I don't know
> where Truvisio draws that line. Granted even if thier corporate policy
> is "never work on postgres during business hours"...
We're a startup--it's always business hours. The line you hypothesize
isn't really drawn too brightly. It may materialize further once I talk
with management about whether the days I spend at OSCON next month are
work or vacation time. If there's a BWPUG meeting next week (note subtle
hint that it's not clear yet whether there is or not) and I'm in town this
time I have a good story for you about that.
* Greg Smith gsmith@gregsmith.com http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD
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