Thursday, July 3, 2008

Re: [HACKERS] CommitFest rules

On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 3:45 PM, Dave Page <> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 8:34 PM, Alex Hunsaker <> wrote:
>> The one I advised be added (the Auto Explain patch) was posted on Mar
>> 29, 2008 (,
>> re-posted the Jun 30th and then an updated patch today... It only
>> being the 3rd i figured it still meet the criteria. If thats not the
>> case, I apologize.
> You'll note I didn't actually mention any specific patches.
> The CommitFests are designed to be short and quick to complete. We
> need *all* patches to be listed (not just posted to a list sometime in
> the past couple of months) before it starts, otherwise organisation of
> reviewers and completion of the Fest becomes chaotic for all and a
> nightmare task for the CommitFest manager.

Are you suggesting that omission of a patch on the 'fest' page means
that you are bumped from the fest? Note that Tom asked on July 1 if
there were any missing entries that hadn't been plucked out of the
lists (there were).

If that's the case, that would suggest that it is the patch author's
responsibility to to update the fest entry (or at least, make sure it
was updated). That may already be the case -- i'm not sure -- and I'm
not saying that's wrong, but if you are going to adopt a strict policy
(which btw I have no problem with) it's probably better to remind
stragglers to get with the program a week or so the fest begins,
especially on the last fest of the release cycle.


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