Sunday, June 22, 2008

Re: [BUGS] Abnormal termination of PostgreSQL

On Sun, Jun 22, 2008 at 02:17:47PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Hmm ... interesting but not conclusive. The most likely explanation
> for this is corrupt data on-disk, but how it got that way is unclear.
> Can you reproduce the problem if you import the same data into a new
> table?

I'll try that and let you know.

> Can we see the exact table declaration? I'm wondering if the table has
> any columns of datatypes that are defined by the add-on modules.

Sure. It's just char(), integer and double precision; nothing fancy. Here
it is:

drop table corn0715 ;
create table corn0715 (
record_type char(2),
reporting_org char(2),
fips_st_cd char(2),
company char(3),
policy_num char(7),
crop_year char(4),
crop_cd char(4),
insurance_plan_cd char(2),
fips_cou_cd char(3),
unit_num char(5),
type_cd char(3),
practice_cd char(3),
coverage_flag char(1),
record_number char(3),
t_yield_map_area char(3),
ncs_yield_factor double precision,
written_agreement_type char(2),
written_agreement_num char(8),
written_agreement_proc_flag char(2),
yield_indicator char(2),
transitional_yield double precision,
fsa_yield double precision,
aqpproved_yield double precision,
prev_approved_yield double precision,
yield_year_1 char(4),
yield_type_1 char(2),
annual_yield_1 double precision,
yield_acres_1 double precision,
revenue_yield_code_1 integer,
yield_year_2 char(4),
yield_type_2 char(2),
annual_yield_2 double precision,
yield_acres_2 double precision,
revenue_yield_code_2 integer,
yield_year_3 char(4),
yield_type_3 char(2),
annual_yield_3 double precision,
yield_acres_3 double precision,
revenue_yield_code_3 integer,
yield_year_4 char(4),
yield_type_4 char(2),
annual_yield_4 double precision,
yield_acres_4 double precision,
revenue_yield_code_4 integer,
yield_year_5 char(4),
yield_type_5 char(2),
annual_yield_5 double precision,
yield_acres_5 double precision,
revenue_yield_code_5 integer,
yield_year_6 char(4),
yield_type_6 char(2),
annual_yield_6 double precision,
yield_acres_6 double precision,
revenue_yield_code_6 integer,
yield_year_7 char(4),
yield_type_7 char(2),
annual_yield_7 double precision,
yield_acres_7 double precision,
revenue_yield_code_7 integer,
yield_year_8 char(4),
yield_type_8 char(2),
annual_yield_8 double precision,
yield_acres_8 double precision,
revenue_yield_code_8 integer,
yield_year_9 char(4),
yield_type_9 char(2),
annual_yield_9 double precision,
yield_acres_9 double precision,
revenue_yield_code_9 integer,
yield_year_10 char(4),
yield_type_10 char(2),
annual_yield_10 double precision,
yield_acres_10 double precision,
revenue_yield_code_10 integer,
rate_st char(2),
rate_cou char(3),
farm_nbr char(7),
yield_limitation_flag char(2),
excessive_yield_edit_bypass char(1),
year_with_yield_refs integer,
applicable_option_codes char(16),
rate_yield double precision,
average_yield double precision,
prev_yield_limitation_flag char(2),
yield_index char(5),
perennial_year_of_set_out char(6),
perennial_leaf_year char(2),
perennial_density integer,
perennial_block_num integer,
perennial_transitional_yield_factor double precision,
perennial_special_cases char(3),
perennial_other char(1),
perennial_year_grafting char(6),
year_1_skip_row_code char(5),
year_2_skip_row_code char(5),
year_3_skip_row_code char(5),
year_4_skip_row_code char(5),
year_5_skip_row_code char(5),
year_6_skip_row_code char(5),
year_7_skip_row_code char(5),
year_8_skip_row_code char(5),
year_9_skip_row_code char(5),
year_10_skip_row_code char(5)

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