Sunday, May 11, 2008

Re: [SQL] Difference in columns

On Sun, May 11, 2008 at 11:07 PM, Mag Gam <> wrote:
Hi All,

I have a view that generates output similar to this.

select * from foo.view;

       ts          | size
2002-03-16 | 11
2002-03-17 | 16
2002-03-18 | 18
 2002-03-19 | 12
I am trying to find the difference between the size column. So the desired output would be

       ts          | size| Diff
2002-03-16 | 11 | 0
2002-03-17 | 15 | 4
2002-03-18 | 18 | 3
 2002-03-19 | 12 | -6

I need the first column to be 0, since it will be 11-11. The second colum is 15-11. The third column is 18-15. The fourth column is 12-18.

Any thoughts about this?

Try this:

select   ts,
            t1.size - (select t2.size
                            from foo.view as t2
                            where t2.ts < t1.ts
                            order by ts desc
                            limit 1) as diff
from foo.view as t1
order by ts asc;


singh.gurjeet@{ gmail | hotmail | indiatimes | yahoo }.com


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