> I think it would be more reasonable to look into what it would take to
> remove the (obvious) false positives and have the mirror script report
> new ones automatically during site build.
> Though I think what simon was actually refering to are urls pointing to
> external sites which we could maybe check on events/training whatever
> submission and refuse to accept them.
> The mirroring does not really care for external sites so we would only
> be able to spot mistakes that lead to urls that end up on wwwmaster
> (like it being interpreted as a relative link or such) not ones that are
> broken otherwise (domain misspelled, simply wrong,...).
Specifically, yes. But I am worried that we aren't monitoring such a
basic quality issue. There might be lots of URLs in the Wiki that go bad
over time and we want to check on this, don't we?
Simon Riggs
PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support
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