Thursday, May 15, 2008

Re: [JDBC] Testing JDBC Prepared Statements

Kris Jurka schrieb:
On Wed, 14 May 2008, Daniel Migowski wrote:
Is it possible with the PostgreSQL JDBC driver (leaving the JDBC API space is allowed) to serverside prepare a statement without executing it?
PreparedStatement.getParameterMetaData will prepare a statement without executing it.
Thank you. I also already helped me with something like statement.executeQuery("PREPARY test AS "+myQueryToTest), but your variant does apropriate query parsing, which seem better.

With best regards,
Daniel Migowski

 |¯¯|¯¯|    IKOffice GmbH             Daniel Migowski  |  |  |/|                            Mail:  |  | // |  Nordstr. 10               Tel.: 0441 21 98 89 52  |  | \\ |  26135 Oldenburg           Fax.: 0441 21 98 89 55  |__|__|\|    Mob.: 0176 22 31 20 76

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