Thursday, May 15, 2008


On May 15, 2008, at 6:31 AM, wrote:

>> Mark Woodward wrote:
>>> I am using PostgreSQL's SSL support and the conventions for the
>>> key and
>>> certifications don't make sense from the client perspective.
>>> Especially
>>> under Windows.
>>> I am proposing a few simple changes:
>>> Adding two API
>>> void PQsetSSLUserCertFileName(char *filename)
>>> {
>>> user_crt_filename = strdup(filename);
>>> }
>>> PQsetSSLUserKeyFileName(char *filename)
>>> {
>>> user_key_filename = strdup(filename);
>>> }
>> [snip]
>>> Any comments?
>> I think it would probably be much better to allow for some
>> environment
>> variables to specify the locations of the client certificate and key
>> (and the CA cert and CRL) - c.f. PGPASSFILE.
>> That way not only could these be set by C programs but by any libpq
>> user
>> (I'm sure driver writers who use libpq don't want to have to bother
>> with
>> this stuff.) And we wouldn't need to change the API at all.
> The problem I have with environment variables is that they tend not
> to be
> application specific and almost always lead to configuration issues.
> As a
> methodology for default configuration, it adds flexibility. Also, the
> current configuration does not easily take in to consideration the
> idea
> that different databases with different keys can be used from the same
> system the same user.

Environment variables don't have to be set in your shell.

This would seem to give the same functionality you suggest above,
given support for environment variables:

void PQsetSSLUserCertFileName(char * filename)
setenv("PGCERTFILE", filename);

void PQsetSSLUserKeyFileName(char *filename)
setenv("PGKEYFILE", filename);

Or, in perl, $ENV{PGKEYFILE} = $file and so on. It seems
less intrusive than adding new API calls.


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