Wednesday, May 21, 2008

[NOVICE] Singapore time zone

We seem to be having a time zone problem on a box configured for Singapore timezone. The OS is Suse10.2 PostgreSQL version is 8.1.5.



This simple PHP file prints   2008-05-21 23:04:24SGT



$d = date('Y-m-d H:i:sT', time());

print $d;





Testing that timestamp string in PostgreSQL fails. It works ok with the other time zone.



host=> SELECT CAST('2008-05-21 23:04:24SST' AS TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE);



 2008-05-22 05:04:24+08

(1 row)


host=> SELECT CAST('2008-05-21 23:04:24SGT' AS TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE); 

ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type timestamp with time zone: "2008-05-21 23:04:24 SGT"



Is this something that’s been fixed in a later version or is it some other issue?



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