Thursday, August 7, 2008

Re: [PERFORM] Unexpectedly Long DELETE Wait

Volkan YAZICI wrote:
> Hi,
> Below command has been running since ~700 minutes in one of our
> PostgreSQL servers.
> DELETE FROM mugpsreglog
> FROM mueventlog
> WHERE mueventlog.eventlogid = mugpsreglog.eventlogid);
> Seq Scan on mugpsreglog (cost=0.00..57184031821394.73 rows=6590986 width=6)
> Filter: (NOT (subplan))
> SubPlan
> -> Seq Scan on mueventlog (cost=0.00..4338048.00 rows=1 width=0)
> Filter: (eventlogid = $0)

Ouch - look at the estimated cost on that!

> And there isn't any constraints (FK/PK), triggers, indexes, etc. on any
> of the tables. (We're in the phase of a migration, many DELETE commands
> similar to above gets executed to relax constraints will be introduced.)

Well there you go. Add an index on eventlogid for mugpsreglog.

Alternatively, if you increased your work_mem that might help. Try SET
work_mem='64MB' (or even higher) before running the explain and see if
it tries a materialize. For situations like this where you're doing big
one-off queries you can afford to increase resource limits.

Richard Huxton
Archonet Ltd

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