Thursday, August 7, 2008

[GENERAL] How to get many data at once?

Hi, if I have such a table:

t_ref_id     t_data
1             'abc'
2             '321'
1             'ddd'
2             'xyz'
9             '777'

I want to get data with a special t_ref_id:

SELECT t_data FROM THETABLE WHERE t_ref_id = '1';

I must use a while loop to extract the data (I'm using PHP):

$rows = array();
while (($row = pgsql_fetch_assoc($result) !== false) {
    $rows[] = $row;

And if there are many matched rows, such as many hundreds or thousands of rows, I think such a loop maybe inefficient.

How to do this in a more efficient way?

Thank you!


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