Saturday, August 2, 2008

Re: [HACKERS] Parsing of pg_hba.conf and authentication inconsistencies

Tom Lane wrote:

> Idle thought: maybe what would really make sense here is a "lint"
> for PG config files, which you'd run as a standalone program and
> which would look for not only clear errors but questionable things
> to warn about. For instance it might notice multiple pg_hba.conf
> entries for the same IP addresses, check whether an LDAP server
> can be connected to, check that all user/group/database names
> used in the file actually exist, etc. These are things that we'd
> certainly not put into any load- or reload-time tests.

I like this idea.

postgres --check-hba-file /path/to/hba.conf
postgres --check-conf-file /path/to/postgresql.conf

(I think it's better to reuse the same postmaster executable, because
that way it's easier to have the same parsing routines.)

Alvaro Herrera
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.

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