Saturday, August 2, 2008

Re: [BUGS] BUG #4338: Order by seems to trim some characters before sort

"Domingo Alvarez Duarte" <> writes:
> It seems that postgresql is issuing a kind of trim on the column value
> before sort/compare, because it's ignoring spaces and '-' wich I use
> propositally to move some values to front.

> Why postgresql is behaving this way ?

Because the LC_COLLATE setting is telling it to. If you try sorting
the same data with sort(1) I'll bet you get the same result. This
is standard behavior for quite a lot of locale settings.

If you don't like the result then you need to switch to a different
locale setting, probably "C". Unfortunately, that requires dump,
re-initdb with the correct locale option, reload :-(

regards, tom lane

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