Saturday, August 2, 2008

Re: [ADMIN] Nls sorting in Postgresql-8.3.3


NLS stands for "Native Language Support" and it's used for display
error/information messages in different languages.

For sorting data you need to look at LC_COLLATE (

You also need to check that you operation system support collation for
your charset/encoding as PostgreSQL relies on the underling operation-
systems collation support. FreeBSD for example does not support UTF-8
collation. On FreeBSD you need the supplied ICU (
) patch supplied by portage to get working UTF-8 collation.

Best regards,
Mathias Stjernstrom


On 1 aug 2008, at 10.35, Praveen wrote:

> Hello,
> I installed postgresql-8.3.3 in our local server with option --
> enable-nls . After successful installion , I create database and
> import data.But I am not aware how to use nls sort in this
> postgresql-8.3.3 .
> Please tell me syntax how to use nls sort in query , if some one
> know.
> Thanks in advance.
> Praveen Malik.

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