Monday, August 4, 2008

Re: [HACKERS] DROP DATABASE always seeing database in use

Jens-Wolfhard Schicke <> writes:
> Tom Lane wrote:
>> ERROR: database "%s" is being accessed by other users
>> DETAIL: There are %d session(s) and %d prepared transaction(s) using the database.
>> I'm aware that this phrasing might not translate very nicely ... anyone
>> have a suggestion for better wording?

> I can only estimate translation effort into German, but how about:

> DETAIL: Active users of the database: %d session(s), %d prepared transaction(s)

Hmmm ... what I ended up committing was code that special-cased the
common cases where you only have one or the other, ie

* We don't worry about singular versus plural here, since the English
* rules for that don't translate very well. But we can at least avoid
* the case of zero items.
if (notherbackends > 0 && npreparedxacts > 0)
errdetail("There are %d other session(s) and %d prepared transaction(s) using the database.",
notherbackends, npreparedxacts);
else if (notherbackends > 0)
errdetail("There are %d other session(s) using the database.",
errdetail("There are %d prepared transaction(s) using the database.",

Your proposal seems fine for the first case but a bit stilted for the
other two. Or maybe that's just me.

Of course, we don't *have* to do it as above at all, if "0 prepared
transactions" doesn't bother people.

Ideas anybody?

regards, tom lane

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