Saturday, July 19, 2008

Re: [GENERAL] Reducing memory usage of insert into select operations? [Solved]

Alvaro Herrera writes:

> Heh -- but are the FKs now checked? Try inserting something that
> violates the constraints and see if they are rejected.

I knew it sounded too good to be true.
1- The trigger was not set in the master (ie nothing went to the children).
2- The master had no index and no RI.. so it was a straight insert.

I corrected (ie set the trigger in the master and RI in the children). Has
been running for 10 hours and has not finished.

The good news is that memory doesn't seem to be going up.
I will give it till tomorrow AM.. and if hasn't finished will turn off the
foreign keys in the children. Already modified the scripts so I can easily
build/drop the foreign keys as needed.

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