Monday, June 2, 2008

Re: [pgsql-www] RFC: Product directory

Dave Page wrote:
> I'm looking at replacing the ad-hoc lists of products at
> and
> with a product
> directory. I'd like to keep it fairly simple, and propose the
> following data be stored:
> id serial primary key -- easier in the framework, complaints to /dev/null
> publisher text -- Company/person/project name
> publisher_url text -- Company/person/project URL
> product text -- Product name
> product_url text -- URL for the product
> category int4 -- Category ID (fkey -> categories table)
> description text -- Product description
> price text -- Pricing info (where relevant)
> licence char(1) -- Licence type flag

I would push publisher and publisher_url to their own table. Further we
may really want to consider that a publisher could be a sponsor. We
don't want to duplicate all this info.


Joshua D. Drake

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