Monday, June 30, 2008

Re: [HACKERS] [GENERAL] Fragments in tsearch2 headline

> 1. Respects ShortWord and MinWords
> 2. Uses hlCover instead of Cover
> 3. Does not store norm (or lexeme) for headline marking
> 4. Removes ts_rank.h
> 5. Earlier it was counting even NONWORDTOKEN in the headline. Now it
> only counts the actual words and excludes spaces etc.
> I have also changed NumFragments option to MaxFragments as there may not
> be enough covers to display NumFragments.

Nice. But it will be good to resolve following issues:
1) Patch contains mistakes, I didn't investigate or carefully read it. Get and load in db.

# select ts_headline(body, plainto_tsquery('black hole'), 'MaxFragments=1') from
apod where to_tsvector(body) @@ plainto_tsquery('black hole');


# select ts_headline(body, plainto_tsquery('black hole'), 'MaxFragments=1') from

crash postgresql :(

2) pls, include in your patch documentation and regression tests.

> Another change that I was thinking:
> Right now if cover size > max_words then I just cut the trailing words.
> Instead I was thinking that we should split the cover into more
> fragments such that each fragment contains a few query words. Then each
> fragment will not contain all query words but will show more occurrences
> of query words in the headline. I would like to know what your opinion
> on this is.


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