> ( 5 ) Here's the problem (it returns without breaking by timeout):
Hm, works fine here:
ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
CONTEXT: SQL statement "SELECT i.item_name::text As row_name,
to_char(if.action_date, 'mon')::text As bucket,
SUM(if.num_used)::integer As bucketvalue
FROM inventory As i INNER JOIN inventory_flow As if
ON i.item_id = if.item_id
AND action_date BETWEEN date '2007-01-01' and date '2007-12-31
GROUP BY i.item_name, to_char(if.action_date, 'mon'),
date_part('month', if.action_date)
ORDER BY i.item_name"
How long does the query run on your machine? If it's less than 10ms,
maybe what you're seeing is just that the resolution of
statement_timeout isn't necessarily less than 10ms, depending on
What is the platform, anyway? And what Postgres version?
regards, tom lane
Sent via pgsql-bugs mailing list (pgsql-bugs@postgresql.org)
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