Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Re: [BUGS] Aborted VACUUM FULL -> crash + corruption (xlog non-existent)

> > -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Aug 26 17:16 0000000100000018000000EE
> > drwx------ 2 postgres postgres 305232 Aug 26 17:14 archive_status
> >
> > Note that the archival of the ....ED xlog file started at 17:14:52,
> > and I cancelled the VACUUM FULL at 17:16:06.
> What's your archive_command?

archive_command = '/path/to/wal-archive.sh "%p" "%f"'

(only path to script changed for privacy)

The script just removes the archive file; the intent was to have
archival enabled such that we could start using it for real without
re-starting the server in the future. The script contents is:


set -e


# put segment somewhere useful here

rm $path

echo "$(date): $path" > /tmp/wal-archive-stamp

exit 0

It would be embarressing if I caused this problem myself by
misunderstanding wal_archiving. My understanding has been that once
wal_archive gets called, no one ever cares what happens with the file
except if I want to do PITR (since the whole point is to offload it
somewhere or similar).

I'll go and re-read the documentation on this immediately. If this is
the problem, I do apologies for the noise and people's time.

/ Peter Schuller

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