> Tom,
> > IMHO, practically the only solid argument for changing from the way
> > we do things now is "to meet the letter of the spec". The various sorts
> > of gamesmanship you list would most definitely not meet the letter of
> > the spec; between that and the inevitability of breaking some apps,
> > I'm inclined to reject them all on sight.
> Actually, there are a number of *very* popular database tools, particularly
> in the Java world (such as Netbeans and BIRT) which do mix quoted and
> unquoted identifiers. In general, users of those tools reject PostgreSQL
> as "broken" for our nonstandard behavoir rather than trying to work around
> it.
> So it's not just a standards issue; this problem really *is* hurting us in
> adoption.
> --
> --Josh
> Josh Berkus
> PostgreSQL @ Sun
> San Francisco
Right. From a user's perspective 4) sounds best. I often run into problems having keywords as column-names:
andreak=# create table test(user varchar);
ERROR: syntax error at or near "user"
LINE 1: create table test(user varchar);
andreak=# create table test("user" varchar);
andreak=# insert into test("USER") values('testuser');
ERROR: column "USER" of relation "test" does not exist
LINE 1: insert into test("USER") values('testuser');
andreak=# insert into test(user) values('testuser');
ERROR: syntax error at or near "user"
LINE 1: insert into test(user) values('testuser');
andreak=# insert into test("user") values('testuser');
As you know, the only way of referring to the "user"-column is to qoute it in lowercase, which many apps and tools don't do.
Andreas Joseph Krogh <andreak@officenet.no>
Senior Software Developer / Manager
Sent via pgsql-hackers mailing list (pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org)
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