Tuesday, July 8, 2008

[pgus-general] Perl/PostgreSQL INSERT/UTF-8 problem

Hi all,

I've got a problem INSERTing a value into my DB via my perl program.
It's a French character 'é', and my DB is set to UTF8, but the error is:

INSERT INTO customer_data (cd_cust_id, cd_variable, cd_value,
added_user, added_date, modified_user, modified_date) VALUES (1,
'CustServiceTypeDisplay_F', 'Résidence', 1, now(), 1, now());

DBD::Pg::db do failed: ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding
"UTF8": 0xe97369
HINT: This error can also happen if the byte sequence does not match
the encoding expected by the server, which is controlled by

When I manually run the INSERT, it works, so I know the problem is in
perl somewhere. Now then, I setup my script with this:

# Setup for UTF-8 mode.
binmode STDOUT, ":utf8:";

When I create my PgSQL connection, I use:

$dbh=DBI->connect($db_connect_string, $$conf{db}{user}, $$conf{db}{pass},
RaiseError => 1,
AutoCommit => 1,
pg_enable_utf8 => 1
) or die ...;

I push a pile of queries into an array (referenced) and run them like

# Sanity checks stripped for the email
foreach my $query (@{$sql})
print "Query: [$query]\n";
$dbh->do($query) or $error.=$DBI::errstr.", ";

Lastly, my database itself is set to UTF8:

SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';

I've tried knocking out the 'pg_enable_utf8 => 1' line in case I was
dealing with double-encoding, but that didn't help.

Any tips/ideas?



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