> Version: "PostgreSQL 8.3.0, compiled by Visual C++ build 1400"
Well, there are plenty of known bugs in 8.3.0 by now. You really
should update before complaining, not after.
> Problem: My database keeps on crashing every few days with this type of
> error message:
> 2008-07-01 10:46:30 CDT LOG: all server processes terminated;
> reinitializing
I think your real problem is with what happened *before* that.
> 2008-07-01 10:46:31 CDT FATAL: pre-existing shared memory block is
> still in use
> 2008-07-01 10:46:31 CDT HINT: Check if there are any old server
> processes still running, and terminate them.
Hmm ... the code in win32_shmem.c that generates this message seems
mighty bogus to me --- it's just hoping that one-second delay is
enough. Another problem is that postmaster children that do
PGSharedMemoryDetach will still have valid inherited handles for
the shmem segment --- does that factor into the behavior? It looks
to me like the CloseHandle ought to be in PGSharedMemoryDetach.
regards, tom lane
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