Thursday, July 10, 2008

Re: [ADMIN] Importing data - possible UTF8 import bug?

"Mikel Lindsaar" <> writes:
> But I am hitting a problem. When I try to import the result with COPY
> I am getting:
> ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xa2
> And gives me a line reference.

> I then grabbed that line out of the file, unpacked each byte into a
> decimal representation and 162 does not appear anywhere.

Sure you're counting the lines right? I believe the number COPY
gives you is the N'th line of COPY data (ie, N lines after the
COPY command) --- not the N'th line of the whole file. Another
thing to check is whether embedded newlines &such are throwing
off your count.

regards, tom lane

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