Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Re: [SQL] Update problem

I tried getting the output of the execute statements by printing the
FOUND variable. It is returning the value as false.
However i used PEFORM instead of EXECUTE for the update statement. It

On 6/3/08, samantha mahindrakar <sam.mahindrakar@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi....
> Iam facing a strange issue....
> One of the functions in my program is running an update statement. The
> statement is running cross-schema. What i mean is that the program
> resides in one schema where as it updates a table from another schema.
> How ever these scehmas are on the same database.
> The program runs correctly and also prints out the update statement.
> But it never actually updates the table.....neither does it fail.
> However when i run one of the update statements individually in the
> query tool...the update happens.
> Iam assuming that this is not a problem with the permissions either
> since the permission for the table to be updated is set to public.
> iam pasting the update statement for reference:
> EXECUTE 'UPDATE '||thepartition||' SET
> volume='||updated_volume||',occupancy='||updated_occ||',speed='||updated_speed||'
> WHERE lane_id='||lane||' and measurement_start =
> '''||measurement_start||'''';
> Thanks
> Sam

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