Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Re: [HACKERS] proposal: Preference SQL

Decibel! wrote:
> On May 29, 2008, at 6:08 PM, Jan Urbański wrote:
>> Preference SQL is an extension to regular SQL, that allows expressing
>> preferences in SQL queries. Preferences are like "soft" WHERE clauses.

> This seems like a subset of http://pgfoundry.org/projects/qbe/ ... or do
> I misunderstand?

I skimmed through the QBE howto, and I think it's actually far from it.
The thing that closely resembles preference clauses is the SKYLINE OF
operator, mentioned eariler in the thread - there is some archives
coverage on it.

I'm still working on producing a comparision of preference SQL and the
skyline operator, more to follow soon.

Jan Urbanski
GPG key ID: E583D7D2

ouden estin

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