Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Re: [NOVICE] Restarting with pg_ctl, users, and passwords.

"Matthew Pettis" <> writes:
> I've created a database and can log into it and do stuff with the
> tables using psql. However, I have a CGI app that wants to call the
> database (all on the same machine), but gets a 'FATAL: Ident
> authentication failed for user "postgres"' error. now, while logged
> onto my Linux user account 'postgres', I can psql into my database
> without having to provide a password.

If you want to switch to using password authentication, you'll need to
modify your postmaster's pg_hba.conf configuration file, which is
evidently currently set up for ident authentication. Read the "Client
Authentication" chapter of the manual ...

regards, tom lane

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