Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Re: [BUGS] BUG #4340: SECURITY: Is SSL Doing Anything?

Dan Kaminsky wrote:
> >> 1) No roots (but still works for some unknown reason)
> >> 2) Explicitly configured corporate roots
> >> 3) Explicitly configured corporate roots, AND global roots
> >> 4) Global roots (but still works for some unknown reason)

> So, if you do nothing special, it's #1?  Sounds like the path of least
> resistance is no security.  Uh oh.

Yeah, in the average, if not common case, a user interested in SSL use would
probably just follow the recipe in the documentation for creating and
installing a self-signed certificate with no certificate checking in the
client. Which, as you correctly observe, is pretty much completely useless.

Someone should probably redesign, reconfigure, and redocument this.

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