I am fiddling around with pgpool-II and online recovery. Recovery depends
on remote starting of a cluster. This means I need to ssh into a box,
start clustern (with PITR recovery) and terminate that ssh connection.
If I use the following script:
ssh -T remote "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/postgres-8.3.3/lib;
nohup /opt/postgres-8.3.3/bin/pg_ctl -w -D /data/pg833-data start >
/dev/null 2>&1;exit;"
the script terminates earlier than the DB is up:
/opt/postgres-8.3.3/bin/psql -h remote -p 5555 postgres
psql: FATAL: the database system is starting up
which is problem for pgpool. But if I use command:
ssh -T remote "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/postgres-8.3.3/lib;
nohup /opt/postgres-8.3.3/bin/pg_ctl -w -D /data/pg833-data start
the ssh never terminates. Which is, again problem for pg_pool. The outoput
will be as bellow. How can I terminate the script really at the moment
when DB is up?
Thank you,
.FATAL: the database system is starting up
.scp: /data/archive_log/00000004.history: No such file or directory
could not start server
scp: /data/archive_log/00000005.history: No such file or directory
scp: /data/archive_log/00000006.history: No such file or directory
scp: /data/archive_log/00000007.history: No such file or directory
scp: /data/archive_log/00000008.history: No such file or directory
scp: /data/archive_log/00000009.history: No such file or directory
scp: /data/archive_log/0000000A.history: No such file or directory
scp: /data/archive_log/0000000B.history: No such file or directory
scp: /data/archive_log/0000000C.history: No such file or directory
scp: /data/archive_log/0000000D.history: No such file or directory
scp: /data/archive_log/0000000E.history: No such file or directory
scp: /data/archive_log/0000000F.history: No such file or directory
scp: /data/archive_log/00000010.history: No such file or directory
scp: /data/archive_log/00000011.history: No such file or directory
LOG: selected new timeline ID: 17
scp: /data/archive_log/00000001.history: No such file or directory
LOG: archive recovery complete
LOG: autovacuum launcher started
LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
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