Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Re: [pgsql-advocacy] Booth Swag

Ciao Josh,

Josh Berkus ha scritto:
> T-shirts

Yes. We have pretty much finished last year's t-shirts. As soon as we
start the sponsorship campaign for PGDay (it is taking longer than
expected to review the contract), depending on budget ITPUG will
evaluate the chance to make a few t-shirts:

1) a standard blue t-shirt (maybe a slightly better quality)
2) a standard white t-shirt for female (like last year)
3) a black one for us "nerds" :)

We could evaluate also to get polo shirts.

> Stickers??

ITPUG just made 2k stickers. They are really cool. We sent a few of them
in Greece.

> Other stuff
> Brochure holder (need to buy)

Yes. That is one. I believe that if we get somebody to design it, we
could print several of copies here n Italy for PGDay and then reuse them
for the European Group. It is just that until we start getting sponsors,
we can't decide.

> Donation Box

Exactly. I wanted so much a donation box in the shape of an elephant!

In terms of flyers, I believe a MySQL to PostgreSQL flyer would be very


Gabriele Bartolini: Open source programmer and data architect
Current Location: Prato, Tuscany, Italy
Associazione Italian PostgreSQL Users Group: www.itpug.org
gabriele.bartolini@gmail.com | www.gabrielebartolini.it
"If I had been born ugly, you would never have heard of Pelé", George Best

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