Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Re: [HACKERS] Need "Round Robin Reviewer" volunteers


Hey! So far, a sum total of *2* people have signed up to be assigned
reviewers, and one of them I put down myself. If only Greg and Alvaro
are available to review patches, no wonder our commit fests take so long!

> At the developer meeting, we determined that one thing needed to speed
> up the commitfests is a list of people who were available to review
> assigned patches, and someone to do the assigning. Well, for July I'm
> the assignor, and I'm looking for some assignees. Here's how it will work:
> July 1: commitfest starts.
> July 7: reviewer assignment, 1st round
> July 10: reviewer assignment, 2nd round
> July 15 (hopefully): commitfest complete.
> Reviewer assgnment: I look over the list of submitted patches and see
> which ones aren't getting attention. shared_buffer fashion, I start
> assigning them round-robin from the people our "pool" of reviewers who
> haven't already taken on patches. I'll e-mail you with a patch I want
> you to review, and you will accept or reject the assignment promptly.
> I'll continue this until everything is assigned.
> So, can everyone who is qualified to be part of the pool please put your
> name on the RRR list?
> http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/RRReviewers
> Thanks!
> --Josh Berkus

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