Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Re: [GENERAL] 0xc3 error Text Search Windows French

One additional aspect. I just ran the create text search dictionary
command without the stopfile declaration using the OO dictionaries, and
it worked fine with the select ts_lexize('public.fr_ispell',
'catalogue'); command executing with no problems. However, after
creating an associated catalogue based on a copy of the
pg_catalog.french catalogue, calls to ts_debug against my custom French
config result in the 0xc3 error. So it is looking like the problem is
restricted to the parsing of the stop file.

I ran through the other out of the box supplied stemmers, which I have
not touched in anyway and it is also occurring with the portuguese



Andrew wrote:
> I have a feeling that an issue I'm running into is related to this:
> On Windows XP running PgAdmin III 1.8.4 against either PostgreSQL
> 8.3.0 or 8.3.3 DB, when attempting to do a:
> select * from ts_debug('french', 'catalogue');
> getting the following error:
> ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xc3
> HINT: This error can also happen if the byte sequence does not match
> the encoding expected by the server, which is controlled by
> "client_encoding".
> CONTEXT: SQL function "ts_debug" statement 1
> I have replaced the french.stop file with the one from the snowball
> web site (
> to see if that would make any difference. But the same issue. I have
> also attempted to load the French Hunspell dictionary from the Open
> Office web site
> (, using the
> following command:
> TEMPLATE = pg_catalog.ispell,
> DictFile = fr_FR,
> AffFile = fr_FR,
> StopWords = french
> );
> But getting the same error. I have successfully loaded the English
> and Arabic dictionaries and an Arabic stop file I sourced from
> elsewhere, and they work fine with the various text search function
> calls, so it appears to be specifically related to a French character
> occurring in the stop file and the dictionaries. To use the French OO
> dictionaries, I had to convert them from an ISO-8859-15 character set
> encoding to UTF-8. As it still had the same result as with the
> packaged stop file when converting on Windows, I downloaded them and
> converted the encoding on a Linux machine before copying them across
> to windows to see if that would help, but it didn't.
> However, if I run the ts_debug('french', 'catalogue'); against a Linux
> version of PostgreSQL 8.3.1, it works fine. I have not tried version
> 8.3.1 on Windows. While there are a lot more combinations to exhaust
> before I can make a categorical statement, at this stage it appears to
> be pointing towards an issue with the UTF-8 parser of PostgreSQL on
> Windows.
> Is this an outstanding defect, or is there something that I'm doing
> wrong in my environment? I have attempted to find anything related on
> the Internet, but other than the introductory reference, I have not
> found anything, which for what I would imagine to be, of the size of
> the French user base surprises me. Hence, I'm thinking that perhaps
> it may be something in my environment causing the issue. If others
> could also reproduce the error on their XP machines, that would
> indicate that the issue was not something specific just to me.
> At this stage, it is not that important to me, as I'm just playing
> around with text search for my own curiosity and French was just a
> language I have randomly picked, along with Arabic (for which I'm
> lacking a snowball stemmer). I don't actually read, much less speak
> those languages. However, it would still be nice to have them working.
> An additional related topic. OO have for some languages, thesaurus
> files which are not in the same format as supported by Pg Full Text
> Search. Are there any plans to support the OO thesaurus file
> formats? They also have hyphenation files. Are there any plans to
> extend the current dictionary files to include hyphenation rules as
> captured in the OO hyphenation files? I'm not sure how, if at all
> hyphenation rules would improve on indexing and searches, but I
> thought as the files exist, I would pose the question.
> Thanks,
> Andy

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