Friday, June 13, 2008

[HACKERS] a problem when poring from Oracle's PL/SQL to PLPGSQL


The following is Oracle's PL/SQL

if resTypeTableName is null
queryStr := 'select IntIID, Path FROM aaResourceData' || ' where ResType=''' || srcType || ''' and ResID=''' || srcID || '''';
else queryStr := 'select IntIID, Path FROM ' || resTypeTableName || ' where ResType=''' || srcType || ''' and ResID=''' ||
srcID || '''';
end if;

open cursorSrc for queryStr;

Here queryStr is a variable which type is TEXT OR VARCHAR or other string types.

But in PLPGSQL, we can only open a cursor this way:

open cursorSrc for select * from testtable;

We cannot substitude "select * from testtable" with a variable.

Is there another way to handle it?

Thank you for your help. :-)


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