Monday, May 19, 2008

Re: [HACKERS] triggers on prepare, commit, rollback... ?

Dear Tom,

>> trigger on "prepare", "commit", "rollback", "savepoint",
> Yup, and there won't be.

That's a definite answer!

> This has been suggested and rejected before. See the archives.

I'll check into that.

>> It seems to me that such triggers would be useful to help implement a
>> "simple" (hmmm...) synchroneous replication system,
> That argument has no credibility whatever.

If you say so.

> We have not even been able to get the replication projects to agree on a
> common set of custom hooks; the chance that they could get by with
> triggers on SQL-visible events is nil.

That is indeed an issue.

On the other hand, there are several possible strategies to implement
replication, but ISTM that all should require a hook (whether SQL visible
or not) at the prepare/commit levels to play around with the 2PC.

Well, thanks for your answer anyway,


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