Friday, May 30, 2008

Re: [GENERAL] Mediawiki 1.10 and PG 8.3 upgrade

Jon Lapham <> writes:
> My mediawiki pages are loading, but when I try to edit them, I get this
> error message:

> A database error has occurred Query: INSERT INTO pagecontent
> (old_id,old_text,old_flags) VALUES [snip] ERROR: text search
> configuration "default" does not exist CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function
> "ts2_page_text" line 3 at assignment

There isn't a "default" configuration in 8.3, unless you make one named

> These are just a 2 examples, there are others. The one common thread
> shared by all the instructions are that they say different things. How
> are we, Joe PostgreSQL users on the street, supposed to know which
> instructions to follow? Have I (very possible) missed some official
> PostgreSQL instructions?

I haven't personally tried that procedure with MediaWiki, though.

regards, tom lane

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