Saturday, August 9, 2008

Re: [PERFORM] why query plan for the inner SELECT of WHERE x IN is wrong, but when run the inner query alone is OK?

Miernik <> writes:
> miernik=> EXPLAIN UPDATE cnts SET p0 = FALSE WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid FROM alog WHERE pid = 3452654 AND o = 1);
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Nested Loop IN Join (cost=0.00..3317.34 rows=1 width=44)
> -> Seq Scan on cnts (cost=0.00..36.00 rows=2000 width=44)
> -> Index Scan using alog_uid_idx on alog (cost=0.00..296.95 rows=1 width=4)
> Index Cond: ((alog.uid)::integer = (cnts.uid)::integer)
> Filter: (( = 3452654::numeric) AND (alog.o = 1::numeric))
> (5 rows)

> But if I give him only the inner part, it makes reasonable assumptions
> and runs OK:

What's the results for

explain select * from cnts, alog where alog.uid = cnts.uid


If necessary, turn off enable_hashjoin and enable_mergejoin so we can
see a comparable plan. I'm suspecting it thinks the condition on
uid is more selective than the one on the other index.

regards, tom lane

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