Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Re: [HACKERS] plan invalidation vs stored procedures

2008/8/6 Hannu Krosing <>:
> On Wed, 2008-08-06 at 12:13 +0200, Pavel Stehule wrote:
>> 2008/8/6 Hannu Krosing <>:
>> > On Tue, 2008-08-05 at 16:17 +0200, Pavel Stehule wrote:
> ..
>> >> you cannot change header of function. It's same as change C header of
>> >> function without complete recompilation.
>> >
>> > SQL is not C.
>> >
>> > You don't have to recompile the whole SQL database when you add columns
>> > to tables, so why should you need to do it, when you add a column to
>> > table-returning function ?
>> >
>> I thing, it's possible - but it's neccessary completly new dictionary
>> with dependencies (some dependencies are dynamic - polymorphic
>> functions) so it's dificult task.
> I think that you can safely err on the side of caution, that is, save
> more dependendcies than actually affected.

> Or you even add dependencies from inside the pl, either at compile/check
> or run time (cached of course), so that you hit the exact right function
> oid and can reuse the function lookup already done.
actually functions doesn't see into SQL statements - but I though is
could be hook on new item in plan cache, so there can be some
registration that try to analyze all called functions from plan and
add some info to some buffer. There is lot of some. Some have to write
it :)


> -----------------
> Hannu

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